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Steel Ad v2-003 18/2/08 11:49 Page 1
ITL INDUSTRIES, India, is offering a high
speed burr free cold cutoff carriage saw to
use inline with conventional and high-speed
tube mills. It can handle up to 150m/min
speed to get 25 cuts of 6m long pipes with
cut length accuracy of ±2mm with least
burrs and accurate square cuts without
The machine has been designed to offer low
cost per cut and to be ecologically friendly
as it has low power requirements, using
30KW compared to the usual 60 to 75KW.
It also claims to offer a greater number of
cuts before its HSS saw blades need to be
sharpened. For thick wall and tough steel
tubes, TCT saw blades can be used and ITL
Industries says the new machine now offers
a more user-friendly computer menu.
Tube clamping is performed by
pneumatically operated double acting
clamps so that both the jaws retract back
to avoid rubbing and scratching of the
blade and clamping jaws can be changed
The hardened and ground alloy steel length-
measuring roll is connected to the rotary
encoder and the whole assembly is housed
in a spring-loaded sliding block.
ITL Industries
– India
: +91 731 2721110/2722372
www.itlindustries.comBurr free cold cut off carriage saw
Friction saws
that ‘maintain
DEE TEE Industries, India, has unveiled
a range of friction saws and HSS saws
for tube cutting applications. These
friction saws are designed for high-
speed cutting and are manufactured from
chrome vanadium steel with a maximum
stability at surface speed of 60-90 metres
per second.
Chrome vanadium steel is used as it
retains its toughness and has the ability
to resist the stresses of high operating
speed. Its edge retention quality is ensured
by closely controlled heat treatment. Dee
Tee Industries makes saws of up to
710mm OD.
Friction saw operation is based on the
strength of the frictional heat that is
generated between the saw teeth and
a work piece when the saw runs at
high speed.
Dee Tee Industries also manufacturers slitting
line tooling such as slitting cutters, overarm
separator discs and tube mill tooling.
Dee Tee Industries
– India
: +91 731 2422108
www.deeteegroup.com www.read-tpt.comRead this magazine
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