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Markus Lacorn, R-


Definiton: LoQ is not defined in an acceptable way since sufficient

precision and acceptable recovery should be mentioned. The

terms “sufficient” and “acceptable” depends on the method

developer and shall be stated with numbers.

Change: to be discussed by the group

The Appendix M definition was used for LOQ.


Girdhari Sharma,


Line 50, LOD: would this be 90 or 95% certainty? LOD calculation is

presented in Appendix M. Can the false-positive at minimum

concentration of analyte be distinguishable from true-positive

expected at the LOD concentration? The false-positive would be

due to matrix interference.

Appendix M guidance was used, the certainty level will be

specified in Table 1


Lisa Monteroso


Include proposed LOD text and strike MDL;



Terry Koerner,

Health Canada Same as LOQ. Be more specific to total egg protein

Egg comment was revised to be more specific


Lisa Monteroso


The statement on allowing spikes at no less than LLA x2 or less is

confusing when you truly need to have the spiking done at the

LOD and LOQ to confirm the LOD and LOQ.


Lisa Monteroso


LOD should be estimated by a statistical analysis of the calibration

data according to the ISO


Lisa Monteroso


Add LOD ISO references: standard ISO 11843-2 (6) for linear data,

or ISO 11843-5 (7) (Cut and paste from Appendix M)

Section: Definition - Reproducibility


67 Markus Lacorn, R-


Definitions: mention that reproducibility is only characterized

when a collaborative test was performed

Change: include collaborative tests in the definition

There are actually other ways to collect reproducibility data

other than collaorative study. RSDR can be calculated

using proficiency data or a combination of collaborative

and proficiency data.


Markus Lacorn, R-


Definition “recovery”: Recovery may be characterized by spiking

experiments because incurred materials are not available; this

SMPR should allow spiked samples if there is no other possibilities;

incurred should be preferred in any case


Yumin Chen,


Spiking – According to the AOAC appendix M, the best spiking samp


Melanie Downs.

Univ of Neb

The definition given in this section seems too specific to a

particular product for the purposes of this SMPR. The definition

given is that of refrigerated liquid whole eggs, as defined by the

USDA FSIS. Given the complicated regulatory authority for eggs in

the United States (i.e. the FDA regulates in shell eggs, while the

USDA FSIS regulates egg products), it may be difficult to apply a

regulatory definition of whole egg for the purposes of this SMPR.

(The FDA also does not have a regulatory definition for "eggs", per

21 CFR 160.100.) It would be beneficial for this working group to

agree upon a simple definition for egg that suits the purposes of

the SMPR.

The definition was adjusted to refer to consider egg

powder as the basis for reference material used in practical

food testing


Terry Koerner,

Health Canada

We should be clear on how this whole egg definition, which comes

from a food inspection service will carry over to the reporting units

of total egg protein.

Agreed and considered in the requirement set for Table 1.


Virginie Barrere,

Université Laval

Yes. FAO CXP_015e

Pasteurization – a microbiocidal control measure where eggs or

egg products are subjected to a process, using heat to reduce the

load of pathogenic microorganisms to an acceptable level to

ensure safety.

The working group agreed to remove the term




81 Markus Lacorn, R-


System suitability: Quantitative ELISA systems always contain

calibrators therefore it is not necessary to deliver an additional

check sample; instead: It is recommended that every user of these

kits establish his own control samples that fits his needs best.

Agreed, draft amended accordingly.


84 Terry Koerner,

Health Canada Appendix M is clear about what the testing levels should be.

Agreed, draft amended accordingly.


85 Laura Allred,


Section 6 (line 85). Would this section be a good place to list

required cross-reactivity checks, perhaps by referencing Table 1 of

Appendix M?

Agreed, draft amended accordingly.


85 Markus Lacorn, R-


Reference Materials: Delete LGC materials since they are produced

by a lab which is NOT ACCREDITED according to ISO Guides! Please

refer to the “certificates” this lab delivers (only ISO 9001 is

mentioned). Certifcates are available on request. The NIST

materials are valuable.

Agreed, draft amended accordingly.

LOD/LOQ were revised in accordance with Appendix M.


Addressed in section 8 - validation guidance


Section: Definition - Recovery

Section: Definition - Whole Egg


Section: System Suitability

Section: Reference Materials