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in cash and for other matters related to the payment of

salaries or wages. (Initiated 2/2/79 - No. 3 of 1979).

The Bill applies to employees engaged in the trades

specified in the Truck Act, 1831, The Truck (Amend-

ment) Act, 1887, and the Hosiery Manufacture (Wages)

Act, 1894.

Fisheries Bill, 1979 entitled An Act to establish a body

to be known as the Central Fisheries Board and to define

its functions, to enable Regional Fisheries to be

established and to define their functions, to dissolve the

Inland Fisheries Trust Incorporated and certain Boards of

Conservators established by The Fisheries (Consolidation)

Act, 1959, to provide for other matters connected with

the foregoing and otherwise to amend and extend the

Fisheries Acts, 1959-1978. (Initiated (Dail) 22/6/78;

Initiated (Seanad) 14/2/79 - No. 4 of 1979; as amended

in Committee 21/3/79).

The object of the Bill is to secure the more effective

conservation, management and development of inland

fisheries through the re-organisation and strengthening of

the existing administrative structures. Proposals in the Bill

are based on the Report of the Inland Fisheries Com-

mission, July, 1979 (Prl 4712).

Imposition of Duties (Amendment) Bill, 1979 entitled

An Act to amend the Imposition of Duties Act, 1957.

(Initiated 21/2/79) - No. 5 of 1979). Amends Section

5 of the 1957 Act.

Under this new Section none of the provisions of the

1957 Act may be used to impose a levy or charge on the

sale into processing or for export of the following agri-

cultural commodities - cattle, milk, pigs, sheep, sugar-

beet and cereals.

Housing (Gacltacht) (Amendment) Bill, 1979 entitled

An Act to amend and extend the Housing (Gaeltacht)

Acts, 1929 to 1967. (Initiated 23/2/79) - No. 6 of


Provides for the amount of a building grant available in

respect of dwelling houses in a Gaeltacht area, either on

the mainland or on an off-shore island, the erection of

which commenced (1) on or after 1st January, 1973, and

before 27th May, 1977; (2) on or after 27th May, 1977.

Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Bill, 1979 entitled

An Act to amend the law relating to the renewal of leases

and tenancies and to compensation for improvements and

for disturbance or loss of title and for these and other

purposes to amend the Landlord and Tenant Acts, 1931

to 1978. (Initiated (Seanad) 28/2/79) - No. 7 of

1979; passed by Seanad Eireann 2/5/79).

Provides for the repeal and re-enactment with amend-

ments of the Landlord and Tenant Act, 1931 and the

Landlord and Tenant (Revisionary Leases) Act, 1958.

Contains provision that new leases under Part 3 of the

Landlord and Tenant Act, 1931, will now be subject to

rent review. Recommendations for the amendments in the

Act were made by the Landlord and Tenant Commission

in the Report on Occupational Tenancies under the Land-

lord and Tenant Act, 1931, (Pr. No. 9685) and the Re-

port on Certain Questions arising under the Landlord and

Tenant Acts, 1958 and 1967 (Prl 59).

Gaming and Lotteries Bill, 1979 entitled An Act to

amend Sections 4, 37 and 42 of the Gaming and Lotteries

Act, 1956. (Initiated 23/3/79 - No. 8 of 1979; as

passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 14/3/79).

Amends the 1956 Act to bring within the jurisdiction

of Section 4 (i) (c) the operation of slot-machines designed

to deliver a money prize as contained in Section 10 of the

1956 Act but which was repealed by the Gaming and

Lotteries Act, 1970. The introduction of this Bill follows

the Supreme Court decision in

D.P.P. (Broderick) v.



Social Welfare Bill, 1979 entitled An Act to amend

and extend the Old Age Pensions Acts, 1908 to 1978, the

Unemployment Assistance Acts, 1933 to 1978, the

Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Acts, 1935 to 1978, the

Social Welfare (Children's Allowances) Acts, 1944 to

1977, the Social Welfare (Supplementary Welfare

Allowances) Act, 1975, and the Social Welfare Acts,

1952 to 1978. (Initiated 5/3/79 - No. 9 of 1979; as

passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 22/3/79).

Designed to give effect to the increases of 12% and

16% in the rates of payment and other changes in the

schemes of Social Assistance and Social Insurance

announced in the Budget Statement on 7th February,

1979. Also provides for consequential increases in rates

of payment under the occupational injuries benefit scheme

and for certain changes in the unemployment assistance

scheme as it applies to certain smallholders.

Transport (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 1979, en-

titled an Act to make provision in relation to certain

bridges in the County Borough of Cork and in relation to

the members of the Board and the chief officer of Coras

Iompair Eireann. (Initiated 29/3/79 — No. 10 of


The Bill gives Statutory effect to an Agreement of

1977 made between Cork Corporation, Coras Iompair

Eireann and the Cork Harbour Commissioners, whereby

it was agreed that C.I.E. would convert two opening

railway bridges over the river Lee into fixed bridges and

vest in the Corporation all the right title and interest of

C.I.E. in these bridges.

The Bill also makes provision for the remuneration and

allowances of the General Manager of C.I.E. and

Members of the Board.

Finance Bill, 1979, entitled an Act to charge and im-

pose certain duties of customs and inland revenue (in-

cluding excise), to amend the law relating to customs and

inland revenue (including excise) and to make further pro-

visions in connection with finance. (Initiated 5/4/79 -

No. 11 of 1979).

The provisions of Part I of the Act relate to Income

Tax, Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax; Part II to

Customs and Excise; Part III to Value -Added Tax; Part

IV to Stamp Duties. Part V contains miscellaneous pro-


Broadcasting and Wireless Telegraphy Bill en-

titled an Act to prohibit broadcasting in the State save

under and in accordance with a licence issued by the

Minister for Posts and Telegraphs and to amend and ex-

tend the Wireless Telegraphy Acts, 1926 to 1972.