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The main purpose of the Bill is to prevent the making

of broadcasts from anywhere in the State, unless in

accordance with a licence issued by the Minister for Posts

and Telegraphs. It makes it an offence for anyone to pro-

vide accommodation, equipment or programme material

for unlicenced broadcasts or to advertise by means of, or

take part in, such broadcasts. (Initiated 6/4/79 — No.

12 of 1979).

Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 1979 entitled

an Act to amend and extend the Housing Acts, 1966 to

1970, and to provide for certain other matters in relation

to housing. (Initiated 27/4/79 — No. 13 of 79).

Makes provision subject to Regulations to be made by the

Minister for the Environment for the making of grants, or

loans or subsidies by the Minister (to persons, approved

bodies or housing authorities) for the provision of new

houses, house improvements, sites for private housing,

houses provided by the housing authorities for letting,

purchase or construction of houses and for the payment by

the Minister of subsidies for certain loans guaranteed by

housing authorities. Requires housing authorities making

a vesting order under S. 17 of the Labourers Act, 1936 or S.

90 of the Housing Act, 1966, to put houses into good

structural condition. Provides for the granting of Certificate

of Reasonable Value by the Minister.

Amends Sections 5, 33, 60, 90 of the 1966 Act and

Sections 30, 77 of the Building Societies Act, 1976.

Repeals Sections 13-32, 35(2), 40, 44, 90(6) (a), 98(5)

and 106 of the Housing Act, 1966 and S. 2,3,4, and 5 of the

Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act) Act, 1962.

Bovine Diseases (Levies) Bill, 1979 entitled an Act to

provide for the purpose of facilitating the eradication, or

the prevention of the spread, of bovine disease, for the

charging, levying and payment of certain levies and the

operation of certain price differentials, to provide for

other matters connected with the foregoing and to amend

Sections 48 and 49 of the Disease of Animals Act, 1966.

(Initiated 27/4/79 - No. 14 of 1979).

Provides for the payment of levies on milk and

slaughtered or exported animals, the duty of an account-

able person to keep records of all transactions which

effect his liability to levy and the right of inspection of

those records by an inspector or an authorised officer.

Also provides for the making and cancellation of notices

of infection and the giving of information to the Minister

when required as regards land used for or in connection

with grazing or retention of animals.

Penalties provided for in Sections 48 and 49 of the

Diseases of Animals Act, 1966, are increased.

Seventh Amendment of the Constitution (Election of

Members of Seanad Eireann by Institutions of Higher

Education) Bill, 1979 (Initiated 1/5/79 - No. 15 of


Amends Article 18 4° by the addition of 18 4 2° and

18 4 3°. 18 4 2° states that provision may be made for

the election of members to the Senate by the institutions

°f higher education in the State. 18 4 3° states that

nothing in Article 18 shall be invoked to prohibit the

dissolution of the National University of Ireland or the

University of Dublin.

The following is a List of 1978 Bills which have been

passed by both Houses in 1979 and is up to date as of 2 May,


Defence (Amendment) Bill, 1978 entitled An Act to

amend the Defence Act, 1954. (Initiated 22/11/78 -

passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 14/2/79).

Amends the 1954 Act to make provision for the Army

rank of Brigadier-General and the Naval rank of Rear-

Admiral. Provides consequently for revised definitions

and amendments of the existing rank structure.

Udaras na Gaeltachta Bill, 1978 entitled An Act to

establish a body to be known as Udaras na Gaeltachta,

for that purpose to dissolve Gaeltarra Eireann and to

transfer to Udaras na Gaeltachta the functions and

liabilities of Gaeltarra Eireann, to confer certain other

powers on Udaras na Gaeltachta and to provide for other

connected matters. (Initiated 6/10/78; passed by Dail

Eireann 14/2/79; passed by both Houses of the

Oireachtas 8/3/79).

Health Contributions Bill, 1978 entitled An Act to pro-

vide for the payment of contributions towards the cost of

the provision of services under the Health Acts 1947 to

1977 and to provide for other connected matters.

(Initiated 30/11/78 -

passed by Dail Eireann,

21/2/79; passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas


Extends the existing scheme to provide for the payment

of health contributions by all persons, with certain ex-

ceptions, over 16 years of age who have an income.

Contributions will be income-related and will be payable

on a fixed percentage basis subject to a ceiling.

Sixth Amendment of the Constitution (Adoption) Bill,

1978 entitled an Act to amend the Constitution.

(Initiated 13/12/78; passed by both Houses of the

Oireachtas 5/4/79).

Provides for the Amendment of Article 37 of the Con-

stitution by the addition to Article 37 of a second Section

stating that no lawful adoption taking effect pursuant to

an order of authorisation given by a person or body of

persons lawfully designated to exercise such functions

was or shall be invalid by reason only of the fact that such

person or body of persons was not a judge or a court

appointed or established as such under the Constitution.

Ensures that adoption orders made by the Adoption

Board will not be in danger of being declared invalid.