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Sand y Schw arz ma n, Pre sident, Fre shm an Cla ss; Vir gini a Rau sch , Pre side nt,

So ph om oreCla ss; Ka roleeKuh an, Pr esi dent, Sen ior Clas s; Jane Petty , Cha irman

Re sid en ceCo mm itt ee ;El ay ne La ng en ieu x,Pre side nt of the Ch ildr en of Mary;

Ch airma n, Re lig iou s Affair s; Mary Turne r, Vic e-Pres ident;Cha irman, Soc ial

Affair s; Ja cq ue lin eKearns, Pr esi dent of Stu dentBod y; Cha irma n, Welf are Com ­

mitt ee ; Vi rg inia Ro de e, Re cor ding Sec reta ry; Cha irman, Publi cit y; Leann

Mah on ey ,Co rre spondin g Sec reta ry; Cha irman, Ho ste ss Comm itte e;Arl ine Ray­

mond ,Pr esi de ntof W.A.A .; CarolFar rell, Pre side nt,Junior Cla ss; Ann Dy er , Vice -

Pr esi dent, Sophom or eCla ss; An gel Kraemer, Vic e-P res ident, Fre shman Cla ss

mi ssi ng .