Members of the committee for 1954-55
were: Cha irman, Jacque line Kearns; semes-
terly proctors, Joan Erickson, Candace Hos-
mer, Evelyn Teachout, Beverly O'Connor;
Moderator, Mothe r Campbell.
Members of the committee for 1955-56
include: Cha irman, Jacqueli ne Kearns; se-
mesterly proctors, Donna Kopp, Gail Derry,
Arlene Glenn, BarbaraHeney,Sandra Jelinek,
Georgia King, Patricia McNair, Rosalie Park-
man, Mary Lou Spalding, Betty Bell, and
Beverle Bell; Moderator, Mother Campbell.
Meetings of t he committee areheld once a
week, and an annual "Mad-Hatters"party is
sponsored shortly after Easter by way of
thanking the studentbody for its cooperation
and of allowing them a momentary respite
from "appro priate campus attire. "
ResidenceCommitt ee
CHAIRMAN:Mary Turner.
PROCTORS : Lillian Jimenez,
Ju dy M onahan ,Ro sa Mar ia
Molina, Ann Dyer .
CHAIRMAN: Jane Petty (Firs t
semester, with seat on Studen t
Counc il)
COMMITTEE:Judy Monahan ,
Paula Sabin, Mary Schaub , Suz
an ne Till ey , Pat rici aWohlge
mut h, Ja ne Lau erman ,Ter ry
CHAIRMAN: J udy Mo na ha n
(Second semester, with seat on
Studen tCounc il)
COMM ITTEE: as for first semes
This committee funct ions for the over-all
benefit of the students. Members are elected
by resident students. They in turn appoint
proctors, train them, receive their reports, and
are in general charge of Residence Affairs.