Ter ryV anOrs ho ve n,
Ma ry Tu rn er ,
Pan cho Prec iado,
El ayne La ng en ieu x,
Ric ha rdCor de r,
Ja cq ue lin eKe arn s
Social Affairs
The lighter aspect ofcollege life is provided
for by this committee. The vice pres iden t
of each class under the cha irmanshipof the
vice president of the studen t body begin
making "social" plans long before the opening
of co llege in Se ptember. Nearly all the sum
mer months are devotedto the Campus Fash
ion show, which highlights"Fr eshman Week."
Dur ing that first week of sch ool other nights
to remember on the social calend ar are that
of the Big-Little Sister Dinner for the resi
dents andthe COTTON COT ILLION for all
in t he library patio.
Th e big annual even ts estab lished by this
committee dur ing the last four years are the
Harvest Dance, sponsoredby the Juniors; the
Christmas Ball, sponsoredby the Seniors; the
Mardi Gras
dan ce sponsored by the Fresh
men; the
Bal des Fletirs,
sponsored by sopho
mores. Frequent informals, a faculty-studen t
Chr istmas par ty, even squa re-dances find
their place in the crowdeddays and nights of
college studen tson the Alcala Park campus.
And the moderator of the committee, Mother
Danz, prophesies tha t the futur e holds yet
larg er andbetter parties.