Stu dent Bod y, Se pt em be r, 195 2
From to p of stai rs: Rosem aryCastil lo ,Arl ine Ray
mon d, Ann Li sta , Fai th Br ow n, Le annMah on ey ,
Ka th lee nBrop hy ,Barb ara Ca nn on,Ma rga ret Fahl-
str om , Rob bi e Hu tto n,Ast rid Vel as qu ez , Judy Mon a-
ha n, Bar bar aBa ret ta,Mara Le e Cip ro,Ev el ynKra d
Ma ry Bi ng gc li, Jacqu eli ne Ke arn s, Caro l R id de ll,
Paula Sabin , Jane t Conte nt ,Ter ryTru it tHa na fin ,
Ka th lee n Mc Go nig le, El ayne La ng enieu x,Ma rie
Mat he w ,Elsa Qui ro z,R.N. , Lil lian Jimen ez ,Ma ry
Eby , Car olRe ill y,Don na Bo yd .
January 30, 1953 marked a "One-Year-
Old Par ty" for the college, and shortly after
that we elected our first studen t-body officers.
As a studen t-bodywe institu tedFriday-night
mixers, but then gave them up for Lent and
for always, since by tha t time the academic
aspect of c ollege life had asserted itself. We,
the freshmen , did enterta in the upperclass-
men, however, at a Valentine dance , and they
reciproca ted on St. Patrick's day. A spring for
mal in May and Pres ident's Day with games
and a picnic on the athleti c courts brought
this first tradit ion-making year to a memor
abl e close. Wewent home burs ting with our
importance as "FoundationStones".