As Ju niors in 1954, many from our midst
were elected to student -body offices and
places on the Student Council. Jacqueli ne
Kea rn sbec am est uden t- body pr es iden t;
Leann Mahoney, corresponding secre tary;
and Mary Turner,recording secretary. Mother
Suzanne Wilson was our junior counselor ;
Marie Mathew, Diane Sinclair, and Arline
Raymond our class officers. Other members
of the class began making a new record of
"firsts.' Joan Erickson, Dorothy Wawrzynski,
Lynn Evenson , Leann Mahoney, and Diane
Sinclair announced that they were to be the
first brides in the class. Accordingly, they
were promptly fetedat a shower in the home
of Arline Raymond.
Seniors at last in 1955,with Karolee Kuban,
Marie Mathew, Jane Pett y, and Margaret
Fahls trom leading us as officers, a nd Mother
Frances Danz guidingus as counselor .. . Our
first corporate act this year was to look hack
over the years in a "Senior Swan Song." On
this occasion we presented the student-body
with wha t we thought was our last "first" —
the music andwords for an Alma Mater! From
that time on, we have no longer been the class
of "firsts but the one that lovingly repeats,
"This is the last dance we shall sponsor" — the
Chri stmas Rail — and "th e last Faculty-Stu
dent Partywe shall attend." But thanks to the