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Septembe r 1953 reunited the class of '56

with Mother Susan Campbel l as counselor

and Leann Mahoney, JacquelineKearns, and

Mary Tur ner as our first class officers. Ma de

more thoughtful and prayerful by t he loss of

Fai th Brown in sudden death, we began our

year as sophomores, determined to

solidify Sacred Heart traditions

in the college and to extend ,

them warmly to the"Li ttle

Sisters" who joined us a s

fre shmen .To ge therwe

labored on our second an­

nual pageant, "Chri stmas in

Merry Old England ," and to­

geth er we presented the first full-length

drama to be staged in the college thea tre —

Maxwell Anderson's "Mary of S cotland." But

all by ourselves we sponsored and named the

annual spring formal, the "Bal des Fleurs."

First Stu de nt Bo dy Offi ce rs :Mar y Bi ng ge li,Ka th­

leen McG on ig le,Joan Ha ll, Con st an ceJ. Sal ern o,

R. N.

Regis tra tio n, Se pt em be r, 195 2. Se ate d: Ma rily n

May er ,Ela yneLa ngen ieu x,Ma ry Tu rner;sta nd ing:

Mary Ka thl een Eby ,Te rr y Tru itt Han afin , Dia ne

Sinclai r O tis .