Volume 14, Number 1 2012
Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
Government (PWG) Portfolio, as well as the CEO and
Communications and Marketing Manager at National Office.
A very useful Lobbying Resources Package is also available
on the website to guide members in how to participate in
Association lobbying.
http://www.speechpathologyaustralia. org.au/lobbying-a-advocacy10 Public awareness resources
Members often attend expos, careers nights, and
presentations, and SPA can assist with promotional items,
video presentations, and fact sheets. Promotional items
include pens, balloons, bookmarks, posters, notepads,
t-shirts, literacy resource guides, and brochures. Also
available are Association diaries, mugs, and USBs. For
more information and to see the full range, visit http://www.
Correspondence to:
Speech Pathology Australia National Office
office@speechpathologyaustralia.org.auphone: 1300 368835
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