Technology News
Cutting, de-burring and drilling
BEWO Cutting Systems, a supplier of
automating cutting lines for tubes, has
installed a combination of machines,
together with a drilling machine
manufacturer from Germany.
The combination consists of a Bewo
automatic circular cutting machine,
coupled to two Bewo de-burring
machines and two drilling machines.
Bewo and the drilling machine
manufacturer provided the machines
for a German company that supplies
products to the agricultural sector. The
machine combination will be used for
processing profiles with a high tensile
The cutting machine, de-burring
machines and drilling machines work
together at high speed and deliver a
high output. The Bewo cutting machine
processes input with different lengths,
so a minimum of rest pieces remain.
After the profiles have been cut,
they pass the two Bewo machines
for de-burring, and then move to the
drilling machines. Finally, the profiles
are automatically transferred to a
cleaning machine, where the dirt and
chips are removed. The Bewo cutting
lines have short changeover times –
an important aspect for the customer,
which processes many different kinds of
profiles. Because all settings are made
automatically, changing over a Bewo
cutting line takes only one minute.
The Bewo cutting machine replaces
four semi-manual cutting machines.
Bewo Cutting Systems BV
www.bewo.nlBewo automatic cutting line
Testing high quality tube for
automotive manufacturers
AS the automotive industry continues
to raise the bar for quality, tube
equipment. To meet this demand,
Magnetic Analysis Corp (MAC) has
supplied Tube Products of India, a
precision steel tube manufacturer, with
a comprehensive Multi-Test system for
its new mill in Thiruthani, India.
The recently commissioned plant
manufactures large diameter, high wall,
cold drawn and welded tubes, primarily
for the hydraulic cylinder tubing market.
The Multi-Test system incorporates both
ultrasonic and eddy current inspection
technologies, to ensure 100 per cent
coverage and accurate detection of
ID, OD and internal longitudinal and
transverse defects as well as areas
of reduced wall thickness. Taking
advantage of the test characteristics
of both ultrasonic and eddy current
technologies provides a more accurate
inspection result.
The system includes MAC’s Echomac
FD-5 ultrasonic instrumentation with 16
channels, a 180mm ultrasonic rotary,
and a MultiMac
eddy current tester.
The ultrasonic inspection scans 100
per cent of the tube surface using eight
transducers for longitudinal defect
detection and eight for transverse. Four
additional transducers provide the wall
thickness measurement.
The eddy current encircling coil test
is suited to finding short defects that
can sometimes be missed by ultrasonic
technology. The result is a test that gives
comprehensive defect detection.
Additional components in the system
include automated controls and inspec-
tion reports to confirm indicated defect
areas and their positions; five dual pinch-
es that help to accurately guide, centre
and transfer the tube through the tests at
60m/min; and a water circulation system
to provide coupling for the ultrasonic test.
Magnetic Analysis Corp
www.mac-ndt.comThe Echomac ultrasonic rotary tester is part of the MAC Multi-Test system