Jl^omt
Jttatre
WLinm
a
little
cinnamon
and
cloves.
Put
it
into
a
jug
and
let
it
infuse
for
two
months.
Drain
it
through
blotting-paper
and
then
bottle
it.
This
cordial
improves
with
age
and
is
excellent.
Take
one
pound
of
the
leaves
of
full-blown
red
roses.
Put
them
into
one
quart
of
luke-
warm
water,
and
let
them
infuse
for
two
days
in
a
covered
vessel.
Then
squeeze
them
through
a
linen
bag,
to
press
out
all
the
liquid,
and
take
as
much
white
brandy
as
you
have
of
the
decoction
of
roses.
To
one
pint
of
the
infusion
add
one-half
pound
of
loaf
sugar,
and
a
very
small
quantity
of
co-
riander
and
cinnamon.
Put
in
a
jug
and
let
it
set
for
two
weeks,
then
filter
it
through
blotting-paper,
and
put
it
into
bottles.
Take
one
quart
of
raspberry
juice
and
one-half
pint
of
cherry
juice,
the
fruit
hav-
ing
been
squeezed
through
a
linen
bag
after
the
cherries
have
been
stoned.
Mix
the
juices
together,
and
dissolve
in
them
two
pounds
of
loaf
sugar.
Then
add
two
quarts
of
French
brandy.
Put
it
into
a
jug
and
let