Y o u n g er M e m b e r s N e w s
T h e Soc i e ty of Young So l i c i t o rs
The Society of Young Solicitors
held its Annual General Meeting on
the 21st July 1990. The Minutes of
the previous meeting were duly
read and approved after which the
following officers were appointed
for 1990/91:
Chairman: Colin Sainsbury
Vice Chairman: James McCourt
Treasurer: Paul White
Secretary: Owen O'Sullivan
Public Relations Officer: Jennifer
Katherine Delahunt, the outgoing
Chairman, then addressed the
meeting. She thanked all Com-
mittee Members for their help
during the year and, in particular,
gave special thanks to the new
Chairman and his sub-committee
for their hard work and dedication
in organising what was generally
agreed to be a most successful
international conference in Galway
on 6th to 8th April, 1990. A special
tribute was then paid to Norman
Spendlove who retired from the
Committee after twenty five years.
A presentation was made to Mr.
Spendlove by the outgoing Chair-
man on behalf of the Committee. It
was noted that his many years of
printing and providing lecture
scripts to the Society amounted to
a major contribution to the effici-
ency and success of the many
seminars held by the SYS.
The new Chairman, Colin
Sainsbury, then addressed the
meeting. On behalf of the Com-
mittee he thanked the outgoing
Chairman for her work on behalf of
the Society. She was to be congra-
tulated on a most successful year
which heralded the start of the
champagne express (Killarney) and
saw the introduction of 8 AM
meetings for the sub-committee
organising the International Con-
ference (Galway). The new Chair-
man acknowledged that the future
of the scripts was in a state of flux
due in no small measure to the fact
that Norman Spendlove's personal
time and effort in this area had
been taken very much for granted.
In addition Mr. Spendlove had very
kindly agreed to give the new
script-provider a hand to get
started. The new Chairman also
thanked Terence McCrann for his
valued contribution to the work of
his Committee as he retired after
five years.
Norman Spendlove then address-
ed the meeting briefly, informing
members that the first SYS meet-
ing had been held in Buswell's
Hotel in May 1965. It was at that
meeting that the Society name was
chosen, the word "Society" being
considered more appropriate than
"Institute" which was then the "in
word". The word "Young" was
intended to represent the Society
as being young in outlook though
not necessarily in age. There can be
no doubt that that particular defini-
tion has earned its place in the
Society name and it is to be hoped
that members of the profession
continue to ensure that theSociety
lives up to its name at least in spirit!
Apart from the abovementioned
officers, the current Committee
members are Katherine Delahunt,
Mary Hayes, Maureen Walsh, Gavin
Buckley, Brian O'Connor and Miriam
Reynolds. The Committee notes
with regret the resignation of
Caroline Crowley for personal reas-
ons. The meeting then adjourned.
The next seminar will be held in
Jury's Hotel, Cork, from the 16th to
the 18th November 1990. It is to be
a joint conference with the Bar on
topics ranging from Personal
Injuries to the Future of the Pro-
Jennifer Blunden/PRO
Gregg Myles, one of the speakers
at the Joint Young Solicitors Con-
ference which was held inGalway
in April, 1990, has produced a short
booklet entitled "Essential EEC
Directives —Current andPending",
based upon the address which he
gave at the Galway Conference.
The booklet is a useful yet
succinct summary of all Directives
of which Solicitors should now be
aware, and, even more importantly,
those upon which Solicitors will
require to be in a position to advise
their clients from 1992.,
Amongst the areas covered in
the booklet, are banking, free
movement of capital, company law,
construction of products, environ-
ment, health and safety at work,
public procurement, residence, road
transport, and standards.
Copies of the booklet are avail-
able from Colin Sainsbury, Chair-
man, Society of Young Solicitors,
c/o A & L Goodbody, 1 Earlsfort
Centre, Hatch Street, Dublin 2, at
the price of only IRE6.00 (including
postage and packaging). •
Younger Members Committee
in a s s o c i a t i on w i t h
The Institute of Chartered Accountants and
The Society of Chartered Surveyors
to be held at Stillorgan Bowling Alley, Dublin on Thursday,
20th September, 1990 (7.45 p.m.)
Subscription £6.00 per person.
Limited number of places available.
For registration please contact
Sandra Fisher, Madia Officar, The
Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7 (Tel: 710711, Fax: 7107041.
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