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7. De f ence Perspective

From a Defence point of view

there is an obvious corollory

position but it presents more

difficulty for the Defence than

the prosecution. This is be-

cause the assimilative speed

with which alcohol is assimila-

ted is greater than the exit

curve that arises. No doubt it

would be possible to get expert

evidence to show what the

assimilative capacity is, as

such a defence may arise

where a defendant wishes to

say that his blood alcohol level

would have been below the

legal limit but for the length of

delay in taking the sample/

specimen. The writer is not

aware that such a defence has

been raised to date and as

stated there would be obvious

difficulties in proving it but it

should not be impossible.

* Robert Pierse, Solicitor, is the

author of

The Law of Road Traffic

in the Republic of Ireland,


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