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JUNE 1996

The legislature e n v i s a ge that

applicants will apply for either a

Sa f e ty Order or a Barring Order. One

can e n v i s a ge a situation in wh i ch an

applicant is a d v i s ed that in c a se the

mo re e x t e n s i ve r eme dy of a Barring

Order mi g ht not be granted a dual

application s hou ld be issued thus

g i v i ng the option to the District

Judge to provide the lesser relief of a

S a f e ty Order.

4. T he ramifications of s e c t i o ns 9 and

16 under wh i ch the District Judge

can ma ke a w i de variety of Orders

under four other Ac ts without prior

notice to the respondent g i v es rise

to grave c o n c e r ns for the

respondent's rights.

I w o u ld w e l c o me particularly the

effort on the part of the legislature to

deal with differing e f f e c ts on p e o p le

as a result of marriage b r e a kd own, the

increase in Garda p ow e rs to enter and

search with reasonable c a u se in order

to ma ke an arrest, the creation of the

Sa f e ty Order r eme dy wh i ch can g i ve

parties a f f e c t ed a r eme dy without

h a v i ng to g o to the e x t r eme of s e e k i ng

a Barring Order and the introduction

of the "Watching and Be s e t t i ng"

e l eme n ts to the three reliefs under

the Act.

Regrettably the Act d o es not include

any provision for Court-annexed

services, the i n v o l v eme nt of the

Probation and Welfare S e r v i ce or any

p r o v i s i o ns for dealing with the

underlying c a u s es of d ome s t ic

v i o l e n c e. The Department of Equality

and L aw R e f o rm should set up

s ome form of monitoring and

statistical analysis of the operation of

the Act in an effort to determine the

p r o c e ss and c o n s e q u e n c es of

d ome s t ic v i o l e n c e.

It is to be regretted that the

Department of Justice have not yet

introduced training and support for

the Family Law District Court Clerks

w h o h a ve b e en at the coal f a ce of

D ome s t ic V i o l e n ce since 1976. The

present C P SU D i s pu te e f f e c t i v e ly

me a ns that the Act cannot be

i mp l eme n t ed as it is intended on a

n a t i o nw i de basis.

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