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Lost Land Certificates

Registration or Title Act, 1964

An application has been received from the

registered owners mentioned in the schedule

hereto for the issue of a land certificate as stated to

have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new

certificate will be issued unless notification is

received in the Registry within 28 days from the

date of publication of this notice that the original

certificate is in existence and in the custody of

some person other than the registered owner. Any

such notification should state the grounds on

which the certificate is being held.

(Registrar of Titles)

Central Office,

Land Registry (Clárlann na Tallin),

Chancery Street,

Dublin 7.

Published: 18 October, 1996.

Patrick Farrell,

(deceased) of 25 Errigal

Road, Crumlin, Dublin. Folio: 2 7 2 0 L;

Lands: 25 Errigal Road situate on the south

side of the said road in the Parish and

District of Crumlin.

Co. Dublin.

Paul M. Creedon and Mary Creedon,

Folio: 53002; Lands: Castlehaven, Barony

of Carbery West.

Co. Cork.

Noel (otherwise Martin Noel) and Laura

Wa l s h,

Craughwell, Co. Ga l wa y. Folio:

3 8 4 4 I F; Lands: (1) Treankyle, (2) Ganty;

Area: (1) 341.000(h), (2) 0.152(h).

Co. Galway.

Edward S. Dixon and Joyce M. Dixon,

Folio: 45372; Land: Fahane; Area: 2(r)


Co. Cork.

Louis Quinn,

15 Morrissey Avenue,

Cloughleigh, Ennis, Co. Clare and


Qu i n n,

'Mariantal', Lifford Road, Ennis,

Co. Clare. Folio: (1) 6744F, (2) 3321;

Lands: (1) Castlequarter, (2) Part of the

land at Castlequarter; Area: (1) 16.582(h),

(2) 20(a) 3(r) 24(p).

Co. Clare.

Barry Statham,

Folio: 17061; Land:

Lavinstown; Area: 1(a) 2(r) 20(p).

Co. Kilkenny.

Patrick Hynes,

Montpelier, Athenry, Co.

Ga l wa y. Folio: 4 2 8 5 1; Lands: (1)

C a r r own t o b er East, (2) Mountains North;

Area: (1) 16(a) 3(r) 24(p), (2) 10(a) 2(r)


Co. Galway.

Malachy Byrne,

Folio: 9667; Lands:

Coolnakilly situate in the Barony of


Co. Wicklow.

0 F E S



James O'Neill (Junior),


Ballinasloe, Co. Ga l wa y. Folio: 17475F;

T own l a n d: Clonbern; Area: 0.456(a).

Co. Galway.

James Lenehan,

of Wo o d s i de House,

Sandyford, Co. Dublin, (c/o Woodville,

Herbert Road, Bray, Co. Wi c k l ow ). Folio:

4 4 2 R; Lands: (1) T o w n l a nd of

Ballybetagh in the barony of R a t h d own

(Plans: 7,19,20), (2) T own l a nd of

Ballybetagh in the barony of R a t h d own

(Plans: AW9 U ); Areas: 48.843(h). This

total area includes both properties.

Co. Dublin.

William Claffey,

Folio: 2128; Land: Doon

Deme s n e; Area: 16(a) 2(r) 15(p).

Co. Kings.

Michael Kavanagh,

Folio: 6 3 15 (closed

to 3373F); Land: Clogheristick.

Co. Carlow.

Henry Rothwell,

Folio: 348; Lands:

Ballyduff; Area: 182(a) l(r) 19(p).

Co. Wexford.

Graigeucullen Corn and Coal Company


Folio: 575F.

Co. Queens.

John Hynes,

(deceased). Folio: 7033

closed to 1962F; Land: Clonascra.

Co. Kings.

Thomas Curan,

Folio: 11015; Land:


Co. Louth.

Nuala Coughlan

of 8 Abbeyfield,

Killester, Co. Dublin. Folio: 1 4 1 7 I F;

Lands: A plot of ground situate on the

west side of Abbeyfield in the Parish and

District of Killester.

Co. Dublin.

Barry Whelehan and Attracta Whelehan

of 58 T he Rise, Wo o d p a r k, Ballinteer,

Dublin 16 (Ballinlig, C l o nme l o n, Navan,

Co. Meath). Folio: 15220L; Lands:

T own l a nd of Kingstown in the Barony of


Co. Dublin.

Margaret Graydon,

Folio: 14774; Lands:

Ballyoulster and Barony of South Salt.

Co. Kildare.

Edward Moffitt,

N e w t o w n a rd G r a n g e,

Co. Sligo. Folio: 5759; T own l a n d:

N e w t o w n; Area: 8(a) 3(r) 30(p).

Co. Sligo.





MacDonnell, James Joseph,


late of 15 Goatstown Road, Dublin 14.

Wo u ld any person having k n ow l e d ge of



of the will of the above n amed

deceased w ho died on 21 February 1996

please contact J ames A. Connolly &

C omp a n y, Solicitors, 13 Saint An d r ew

Street, Dublin 2, tel: 01 6 7 1 4 9 66 and fax:

01 6796731.


Northern Ireland Agents

for all

contentious and non-contentious matters.

Consultation in Dublin if required,

reasonable rates. Contact Norville

Connolly, D &E Fisher, Solicitors, 8 Trevor

Hill, New r y, tel: 0 80 693 61616, fax: 0 80

693 67712.

London West End Solicitors


a d v i se a nd u n d e r t a ke UK - r e l a t ed

matters. All areas - c o r p o r a t e / p r i v a te

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R e c i p r o c al a r r a n g e m e nt a nd fee

s h a r i ng e n v i s a g e d. A g e n cy w o rk also.

C o n t a c t: Ellis & Fairbairn, 2 6 O ld

B r o m p t on R o a d, S o u th K e n s i n g t o n,

L o n d on S W 7 3 D L, tel: 0 0 4 4 171 5 8 9

0 1 4 1, fax: 0 0 4 4 171 2 25 3 9 3 5.

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Specialist PI solicitors with offices

in L o n d on and B i r m i n g h am can assist in all

types of injury claims. O ne of our staff is in

Ireland for one week in every month. Legal

aid available to clients that qualify. Contact

David Levene & Co, Ashley House, 235-

239 High Road, Wo od Green, L o n d on N 22

4HF, England (tel: 0 0 44 181 881 7777;

fax: 0 0 44 181 889 6395) and Bank House,

Cherry Street, B i r m i n g h am B2 5 AL

(tel: 0 0 44 121 6 33 3200;

fax: 0 0 44 121 633 4344).

Agents - England and Wales.

We are

willing to act as agents for Irish solicitors

in civil and criminal litigation. Contact:

Olliers, Solicitors, Alderman D o w n w a rd

House, 2/3 T he Birtles, Civic Centre,

Wy t h e n s h a w e, Manchester M 2 2 5 RF (tel:

0 0 44 161 437 0527; fax: 0 0 44 161 437
