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No. Title of Act and Date Passed

Commencement Date/s

2 0.

T r a n s n a t i o n al I n f o r m a t i on a n d C o n s u l t a t i on of E m p l o y e es A c t,

1 9 96 ( 1 0 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Implements Council Directive 94/45/EC by establishing

transnational arrangements for the information and consultation

of employees in Community-scale undertakings and groups of

undertakings; provides for the establishment of European Works

Councils in such undertakings or groups of undertakings.

C o m m e n c e m e nt O r d e r

to b e m a d e

2 1.

A n B o r d B ia ( A m e n d m e n t) A c t, 1 9 96 ( 1 0 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Increase the membership of An Bord Bia and its subsidiary boards

and provides that one ordinary member of each shall be appointed

on the nomination of an organisation whom the Minister considers

to be representative of consumers. Amends An Bord Bia Acts,

1994 and 1995.

10 J u l y, 1 9 96

2 2.

B o r r o w i ng P o w e r s of C e r t a in B o d i e s A c t, 1 9 96 ( 1 0 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Makes further provision in relation to the borrowing and capital

financing of State bodies; increased the borrowing limit of

ACC Bank pic.

1 A u g u s t, 1 9 96

(S.I. N o . 2 3 2 of 1 9 9 6)

2 3.

H e a l th ( A m e n d m e n t) ( N o. 2) A c t, 1 9 96 ( 1 5 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Enhances the powers of the Minister for Health under section 76

of the Health Act, 1970 (which deals with the amendment, by order,

of a hospital charter) in circumstances of any re-organisation or

extension of the provision of hospital services.

15 J u l y, 1 9 96

2 4.

T r a n s p o rt ( D u b l in L i g ht R a i l) A c t, 1 9 96 ( 1 5 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Enables the Minister for Transport, Energy and


to authorise by Order the construction, operation and maintenance

by CIE of a light railway system serving the greater Dublin area.

15 J u l y, 1 9 96

2 5.

D i s c l o s u re of C e r t a in I n f o r m a t i on f o r T a x a t i on a n d O t h e r P u r p o s es

A c t, 1 9 96 ( 3 0 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Inserts a new section 63A into the Criminal Justice Act, 1994,

which provides for the disclosure in certain circumstances of

information by the Revenue Commissioners to the Garda

Síochána and/or head of any body set up to deal with the assets

of crime. Amends section 32(9) of the Criminal Justice Act, 1994,

to provide for the retention of documents and materials by designated

bodies for use as evidence in an investigation into any offence and

not, as subsection (9) currently provides, only money laundering.

Inserts a new subsection 32(1 OA) into the 1994 Act to make further

provision in relation to the obligations of designated bodies under

the 1994 Act. Also amends ss.57 and 64 of the Criminal Justice Act,

1994; amends ss.18 and 19 of the Finance Act, 1983; amends the

Bankers' Books Evidence Act, 1879.

3 0 J u l y, 1 9 96

2 6 .

C o u r t s A c t, 1 9 96 (31 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Increases the maximum number of ordinary judges of the Circuit

Court from 24 to 27; amends section 10 of the Courts and Court

Officers Act, 1995.

31 J u l y, 1 9 96

2 7.

M e t r o l o gy A c t, 1 9 96 (31 J u l y, 1 9 9 6)

Establishes a legal metrology service and consolidates and updates

the law relating to legal metrology - which is the regulation of the

science of measurement.

C o m m e n c e m e nt O r d e r

to b e m a d e