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1992 will require an integrated

pollution control licence in accord-

ance with s. 82(1) of the Act. The

Environmental " Protection Agency

(LicensingKAmendment) Regulations

1995 and 1996 are revoked.


Family Law (Divorce) Bill 1996

This Bill has been amended in the

Select Committee on Legislation and

Security. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT 201.)

S.C. v. P.D. (Falsely called C.)

(McCracken J) 14 March 1996

Marriage - nullity

standard of

proof - capacity to enter into and

sustain a normal marital relation-

ship - respondent suffering from manic

depression - whether respondent

suffering from manic depression at time

of marriage - whether respondent

lacking capacity to enter into and

sustain normal marital relationship -

Matrimonial Causes and Marriage Law

(Ireland) Amendment Act 1870


European Communities (Live Bivalve

Molluscs) (Health Conditions for

Production and Placing on the Market)

Regulations 1996 (SI No. 147 of 1996)

This Order implements


Directive 91/492/EEC laying down the

health conditions for the production

and placing on the market of live

bivalve molluscs.

The Regulations

came into operation on 27 May 1996.




Products)(Health Conditions and

Hygiene Rules for Production and

Placing on the Market) Regulations

1996 (SI No. 170 of 1996)

This Order implements


Directive 91/493/EEC laying down the

health conditions for the production

and placing on the market of fishery

products. The Regulations came into

operation on 10 June 1996.


National Standards Authority of

Ireland Act 1996 (No. 28 of 1996)

This Act was signed by the President on

31 July 1996. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT 130.)

European Communities (Materials and

Articles Intended to Come into

Contact with Foodstuffs) (Amend-

ment) Regulations 1996 (SI No. 226 of


The purpose of these Regulations is to

give effect to Commission Directive








approximation of laws of Member

States relating to materials and articles

intended to come into contact with






administration and enforcement of the


The Regulations came

into operation on 16 September 1996.

Health (Offical Control of Food)

Regulations 1996 (SI No. 241 of 1996)

These Regulations, to be implemented

by health boards in their functional

areas, set out the various items which

are subject to inspection including: the

site; premises; offices; raw materials;

semi-finished products; cleaners and

materials coming into contact with


The Regulations came into

operation on 1 September 1996 with

the exception of art. 17 which will come

into operation on 1 November 1998.

Health (Official Control of Food)

Approved Laboratories Order 1996 (SI

No. 242 of 1996)

Art. 3 of the Health (Official Control of

Food) Regulations 1996 empowers the

Minister to specify an approved list of

laboratories for analysis of food

samples taken by authorised officers for

the purpose of the Regulations. This

Order approves a list of such

laboratories with effect from 1

September 1996.

European Communities (Minced Meat

and Meat Preparations) Regulations

1996 (SI No. 243 of 1996)

These regulations implement Council

Directive 94/65/EC (of 14 December

1994). The Regulations lay down the

requirements for the production and

marketing of minced meat and meat

preparations for human consumption.

They set standards of hygiene and

operation for premises producing

minced meat or meat preparations

either for the domestic market or for

export to other Member States in the

EU. The Regulations came into

operation on 14 August 1996.


Health (Amendment) Act 1996 (No.

15 of 1996)

This Act has been signed by the

President. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT 26.)

Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1996

(No. 23 of 1996)

This Act was signed by the President on

15 July 1996. (Cf. (1996) 14 ILT 201.)

The Health Service Employers Agency

(Establishment) Order 1996 (SI No.

213 of 1996)

This Order establishes, under the

Health (Corporate Bodies) Act 1961, a

body to be known as the Health

Services Employers Agency to provide

such services as may be required by

those employers in membership of the

agency. The Order came into operation

on 15 July 1996.




(Amendment) Regulations 1996 (SI

No. 225 of 1996)

These Regulations amend previous

Regulations by the inclusion of a

provision that a health board may,

instead of paying a subvention, offer

alternative care to a person who has

qualified for a subvention in a health

board home. The Regulations also

provide that a health board may

contract out beds in registered nursing

homes and allow for the payment of

subventions above the maximum rate.

Lastly, they increase the personal

allowances applied by designated

officers of the health board when

assessing the circumstances of adult

sons and daughters of an applicant for



Wildlife (Wild Birds) (Open Seasons)

(Amendment) Order 1996 (SI No. 219

of 1996)

This Order amends the Open Seasons

list of huntable species of wild birds by

the addition of the Canada Goose and

the Greylag Goose for the period from

1 September to 30 September, both

dates inclusive.

Wildlife (Wild Mammals) (Open

Seasons) (Amendment) Order 1996 (SI

No. 220 of 1996)

This Order amends the Open Seasons

list of huntable species of wild

mammals by extending the hunting

season for female deer (Red and Sika

species only) from 31 January to 28

February, both dates inclusive, in the

Counties of Dublin and Wicklow only.