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Page Background

C'.A/.I TTI:


The Copyright Association of Ireland

The European copyright harmonisation

programme, the forlheoming Copyright

Bill, the need to keep paee with

teelmologieal ehange and the laek of

readily accessible material have

provided the motivation lor the

establishment of The Copyright

Association of Ireland.

It has been formed by a group of people

with an interest in copyright law

whether as legal practitioners, creators

of copyright works or academies. The

Association intends to promote

informed debate and awareness of

copyright by holding conferences and

seminars. It is also hoped in time to

publish a newsletter and maintain a

page on the worldwide web.

Membership is open to individuals and

applications are particularly welcome

from users and creators of copyright

works. The fee for membership is

£75.00 per annum (£25 student).

The inaugural seminar of the

Association will he held on 3 May 1996

at the Centre for Commercial Law

Studies, UCD at 2pm. The agenda for

the seminar entitled "Copyright in

Ireland - Present and Future

Developments" is as follows:

C h a i r m a n

James Hickey,


I n t r o d u c t i on

Dermal Gleeson

SC. Attorney General

Recent Irish Legislative De v e l o pme n ts

Mr Justice Brian


Recent Irish C a se L aw De v e l o pme n ts

John Gordon


E u r o p e an Directives a n d P r o p o s a ls

Professor Robert


T h e P r o p o s ed C o p y r i g ht Bill

Pat Rahitte.

TD Minister of State

The fee for the seminar is £50.00 for

members and £75.00 for non-members.

If you are interested in becoming a

member of the Association or attending

its inaugural seminar, please write to

Helen Slieehy

, Treasurer. Copyright

Association of Ireland Limited. PO Box

29. 8 Adelaide Street. Dun Laoghaire,

Co. Dublin sending a cheque for the

appropriate amount with a contact

address and telephone number.


Solicitor with a minimum

of two years experience

in District Court and

Litigation. This position

is intended to lead to a


Reply to:

Adrian Stokes,

Stokes & Co.,


20 Gr and Parade, Cor k;

Tel: (021)277622

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