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The athletics season began with a series of

relay events. At the Achilles Relays, in a field

of over 30 schools, our senior girls’ 4x100m

and inter boys’ 4x200m teams both qualified

for the finals. For the third time at this event,

the girls came away with a bronze medal.

Our inter boys set a new school record in a

superb race which earned them bronze behind

Harrow and Millfield.

It was quite a year of new school records:

Freddie Boyce (

Ryde Academy

) set a new

record in shot put at Harrow, Brume Otubu


British International, Lagos

) in the 200m at

Cheltenham, Dan Brady (

The Warriner

) in long

jump at the County Championships, and, at

Marlborough, Storm Sunderland (



) in the 800m and 1500m, Clemmie

Montgomerie (

Beaudesert Park

) in the 200m,

Georgie Blanchard (

Headington Prep

) in the

javelin, Kendall MacDonald (

The Royal Masonic

School for Girls

) in the long jump and Brandi

Akpobome (

Day Waterman College

) in the

shot and discus.

After much success at the City Schools

where our junior and inter boys’ teams

retained their position as City Champions,

15 of our athletes went on to compete in

the Oxfordshire County Championships.

The Teddies athletes collected four bronze,

five silver and five gold medals. This year our

County Champions are Max Liddy, hurdles


, Fergus Flory, 800m (


), Misha

Kirillov, shot (


), TJ Robinson, triple jump


The Royal Hospital

), and George Henry, long

jump (



The highlight of this successful season

undoubtedly came at the Radley Multi-

Events where, after completing a sprint,

jump, throw and 800m, our teams won

medals in every category. The frequency of

the Teddies name being announced in gold,

silver or bronze position made us all very

proud. Individual medals were won by Misha

Kirillov (junior bronze), Max Liddy (junior

silver), Alfie Armitage-Hookes (inter bronze,

Dulwich College

), Vincent Moisy (senior



) and George Henry (senior

silver). Team medals were also won in every

age group with the inter team finishing with

bronze, juniors with silver and – the triumph

of the season – our senior boys winning gold

ahead of Harrow and 10 other schools. A

thoroughly deserved reward for the efforts

these boys have shown in training all season:

determination, speed and strength certainly

translated into all-round team success.

Athletics is firstly about personal

performance; setting a goal and then working

hard on the track in order to achieve it. The

new school records and numerous personal

bests achieved alongside medals this season are

testimony to the dedication our athletes show

in training. Athletics training may not always

be considered the most enjoyable; relentless

running in straight lines and around bends is

probably not everyone’s idea of fun, but the

athletics team has a strong team spirit. They

motivate, support and push each other to be

better, faster and stronger, and the camaraderie

between boys and girls of all ages is unique to

this committed and determined young team. To

the athletes and the coaches: thank you for your

efforts in training and at fixtures; your company

and hard work has made the season an

enjoyable and incredibly successful one for all.


By Becky Bowyer, Head of Athletics

Above, James Bunce (


); top right, James Chainey (

Swanbourne House

); and below right, Izzy Rayner

(St George’s,Windsor

), Storm Sunderland (

Winchester House


and Clemmie Montgomerie (

Beaudesert Park


Victor Chainey