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JUNE 2015



he Passenger Rail Agency of South

Africa (PRASA) has an extensive ex-

isting fibre optic network, running

over a distance of 1 200 km, that allows

constant and consistent communications

between its railway trucks, railway sta-

tions, divisional offices and head office.

Acknowledging that the commercialisation

of this network could benefit a number of

people within proximity of the railway line’s

connectivity, PRASA has embarked on an

ambitious and exciting project to share its

network connectivity with the community.

Haim Derazon, CEO of Railway Cellular, ex-

plains that the fundamentals of the network

were already in place so an expansion was a

natural extension of its capacities and capa-

bilities. Railway Cellular has worked closely

with PRASA over the past two years to plan,

design and execute an extended network. In

addition, in an extensive corporate social in-

vestment (CSI) initiative, the network will be

made available to a pre-selected number of

schools and clinics along the railway route.

To date, 22 schools (11 in Soweto and nine

in KwaZulu-Natal), including a number of

schools for the hearing impaired, are ben-

efitting from the free connectivity PRASA’s

network affords them. Derazon points out

that the project will focus on building an

education network that will ultimately see

269 schools across the country plugging

into PRASA’s communications network. The

Department of Education is responsible for

explaining the initiative to the positively af-

fected schools and partnerships with Intel

and Compaq will see the delivery of special

communication systems and tablets.

Railway Cellular approached Noah Mashaba,

MD of IP Solutions, to assess the hardware

needs for the burgeoning network. Dera-

zon says he was particularly impressed by

the great knowledge and professionalism

Mashaba exhibited in his selection of best

practice technology to align with the correct

protocols needed for an efficient network.

For the first nine schools under the project

umbrella, IP Solutions selected a number

of products from wireless IP convergence

company MiRO. These included nine Ubiqui-

ti Rocket M5 5GHz titanium outdoor wireless

radios, nine Ubiquiti 30Dbi dual polarised

dishes, 18 Ubiquiti Nano Station M2 2.4GHz

outdoor Wi-Fi access points and one Mikro-

Tik Cloud Core Router for all network and

hotspot management services.

The network is very stable, producing a high

throughput of 30 mbps. “We are thrilled with

the performance of the pilot systems, which

are allowing the schools to participate in

live video streaming sessions on Skype and

conference calls without any connectivity or

interference issues,” says Derazon.

Based on the satisfaction expressed by both

Railway Cellular and PRASA, Phase 2, which

is again being undertaken by IP Solutions

using MiRO hardware, commenced in late


“The educational network will facilitate

extended e-learning, a facility that is es-

pecially attractive to the large number of

children receiving remote rural schooling,

who are often disconnected from any form

of telecommunication service. In addition,

POP sites can be set up at schools and

connectivity can be sold to members of the

community. This will allow schools to ben-

efit financially from the service. In this way,

the initiative will not just move the economy,

but more importantly, it will enhance it,” Der-

azon enthuses.



to provide coverage for schools