Curriculum vitae
Dr. Klaus Reif, *10.01.1962, Dr. rer. nat.,
1983 - 1989
chemistry, diploma at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen
university degree as chemist
1989 - 1991
PhD at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen, Institute for physical
chemistry (group Prof. Dickert) and in the research center of Siemens
AG Erlangen (development of chemosensors for solvent vapours)
Sep. 1991
PhD of natural science (Dr. rer. nat.)
since Oct. 1991
employed by PhytoLab GmbH, Vestenbergsgreuth, Germany
field of activity:
head of method development and HPLC
responsible for:
method development and method validation for the registration
procedure of phytopharmaceuticals, dietary supplements and food,
residue analysis,
routine analysis of food and cosmetics, product release and stability
tests with HPLC of herbal raw materials and finished herbal products
specialist on the development of analytical methods based on HPLC,
GC and hyphenated techniques like GC-MS and HPLC-MS.
State-appointed and sworn expert of the Chamber of Commerce
Nuremberg for the analysis of food and botanical products.
AOAC OMB Meeting Book