O C T O B E R , 2 0 1 6
he 2016 Conference and Expo is scheduled for Wednesday October 26th, 2016
and is expected to be a great one! After the success of last year’s expo, it will contin-
ue to be held at the Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, New Jersey. We sold
out all of the 167 booths by August this year and are expecting over 1,000 attendees!
The committee has worked hard this year at listening to all the key stakeholder’s ideas and
concerns for this event. Many thanks goes out to the CAI-NJ Board and all of the other
committees who contributed in our effort.
With our theme being “Marvel at the Opportunities with CAI-NJ” the show is designed
to create an informative learning environment while having a fun filled experience for our
CAI Members. We will have real superheroes on location this year to help answer ques-
tions for your Associations, including the Wounded Warriors Association, Police Officers,
Firemen, Emergency Management Professionals and others. Besides the prizes provided
by the vendors there is $5,000.00 in cash prizes drawings throughout the day to be won
by anyone attending the event. As always we will be providing breakfast and lunch to
If you have not registered for the event, it is not too late, but don’t delay. Please visit
www.cainj.org ,Community Trends
magazine or call the CAI-NJ office at (609)588-
0030 for your registration form. Walk-ins are always welcome.
Kevin J. Oliver - President
G&C Electronics
2016 CAI-NJ Conference & Expo Committee Chair
A Message from Kevin Oliver
2016 CAI-NJ Conference & Expo Committee Chair
"Many thanks goes out to the CAI-NJ
Board and all of the other committees
who contributed in our effort."