Quarterly Report - Q1 2018
1. Successfully and accurately assist with Cardinal Payroll design, build and testing for VWC in
partnership with the Cardinal team. Cardinal Payroll final implementation for VWC is scheduled
for 2019 (Second Wave).
•FSD has attended all Cardinal Payroll implementation meetings and completed all required tasks due to date.
2. Successfully and accurately finish and implement a Commission Financial Accounting System
that includes Self Insurance, Accounts Receivable, Collections and Tax. Enhancements with other
modules may follow in 2019.
•The recommended option for the Financial System is to develop in-house with a combination of VWC staff and
contract staff. Initial estimate is one year from start of development to implementation. Primary applications are
Accounts Receivable, Tax Assessment and Voucher Register. PMO and IS moved into the development phase and
FSD User Acceptance Training has begun on the applications produced to date. All indicators favorable. IS efforts
to keep current FSD applications functional until replacement have been successful.
•The Self-Insurance Financial Operating System (SIFS) has completed one full operating year as of January 2018.
The year included a quality review of SI data for active SI’s, availability and Commission support of all SI data in
Master Data and the set-up of a “SYNC” with SI data and CASPER. The “SYNC” set-up was part of the November
2017 release with PMO and IS anticipating full implementation by December 2018.
3. Purchase the new headquarters building and implement effective and efficient operations,
maintenance, security and emergency procedures and plans.
•All VWC departments have moved into and are operating in the new headquarters location. Purchase of the
building is scheduled for the first part of June 2018.
•Requests for a budget amendment for appropriation of funds has been completed.
•Awaiting the appropriation and approval of budget amendments by the Department of Planning and Budget.
•Crisis action plan is in a draft state and has been presented to the Leadership Team. The document will then go to
the full Commission for approval.
•RFP for a vendor to oversee the operational and maintenance functions of the building has been distributed.
Responses are due back April 19th.
•Active Shooter training for all staff will be scheduled for the second quarter of 2018.
•A complete facilities assessment will be conducted in the second and third quarters of 2018.
4. Successfully implement Self Insurance Webfile (SI Webfile).
•The PMO and IS team are on target to release the first phase of SI Webfile June 2018 (6.6 release). This phase will
allow SI Stakeholders to initiate an account management set-up and review information they have reported into the
Commission which is housed as our official record for coverage verification purposes.
Responsible for financial transactions including revenue collection, budget administration and purchasing.
Department Updates
Financial Services - Goals