Program Book - page 217

Biophysical Society 58
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
Tuesday, February 18
9:00 am–10:30 am
Wyatt Technology Corporation
Essential Biophysical Characterization
: Molar Mass, Size, Charge
and Interactions—The Light Scattering Toolbox for Biomolecules
and Nanoparticles
Wyatt Technology provides the essential tools for characterization of
biomacromolecules in solution, including peptides, proteins and oli-
gonucleotides as well as bionanoparticles such as exosomes and VLP’s.
This presentation describes the light scattering instrumentation and
techniques used in these analyses: coupled to liquid chromatographic
separations for absolute molar mass and size distributions (SEC/FFF-
MALS); microtiter plate-based, high throughput screening of size, aggre-
gation and interactions (DLS); and the label-free, immobilization-free
analysis of biomolecular interactions for affinity and absolute molec-
ular stoichiometry (CG-MALS). A variety of examples illustrate the
unique capabilities of these light scattering measurements in biophysics.
Chris Broomell, Applications Scientist
Sophia Kenrick, Application Scientist, Wyatt Technology Corporation
11:00 am–12:30 pm
Nanion Technologies
SURFE2R—Catch the Wave for Transporters
Precise Measurements of Membrane Transporter Protein Activity
Ion transporters and pumps play an important role within general
metabolism and information processing of organisms. Dysfunction and
-regulation of transporter proteins are related to diseases like obe-
sity, diabetes, hypertension, and CNS disorders such as epilepsy and
depression. Hence, ion transporters have become potential targets
within the drug development treating disease-related abnormalities.
At present, labeling technologies and conventional patch clamp are
commonly used for ion transporter screening. However, radioactive
and fluorescence-based assays have limited sensitivity, and because of
the limited molecule turnover per seconds of transporters and pumps
compared to ion channels, the direct electrophysiological measurement
of protein transporters and pumps activity is extremely challenging.
Here, we present the SURFE2R technology—an easy-to-handle, highly
sensitive and very efficient screening platform for direct measurements of
ion transporters and ion channels in diverse and heterologous membranes.
Since 2012, Nanion offers the SURFE2R product line in two formats:
SURFE2R N1 and the higher throughput platform SURFE2R N96.
The SURFE2R N1 which we will present at the workshop is a small
footprint, fully automated device recording from membrane prepara-
tions, with proven success using native tissue, mammalian and insect
cell lines, bacteria, organelles, and proteoliposomes. Come to our
workshop and learn from LIVE-experiments how to make mea-
surements of transporter-protein functionality efficient and reliable!
Andrea Brüggemann, CSO, Nanion Technologies
Maria Barthmes, Nanion Technologies
1:00 pm–2:30 pm
Molecular Devices, LLC
Axon Electrophysiology Symposium: Getting the Most out of
pCLAMP Software
pCLAMP™ is a powerful data acquisition and analysis software and is
widely used for a variety of electrophysiological recordings. In the first
tutorial of this workshop, Jeffrey Tang will highlight a few features used to
create a customized acquisition protocol in Clampex. In the second tuto-
rial, Burt Maertz will share tips in single-channel analysis using Clampfit.
These include burst analysis, latency analysis and P(open) analysis
Jeffrey Tang, Product Marketing Manager, Axon Conventional
Electrophysiology, Molecular Devices, LLC.
Burt Maertz, Technical Support Specialist, Axon Conventional
Electrophysiology, Molecular Devices, LLC.
3:00 pm–4: 30 pm
GE Healthcare
The Devil is in the Detail: the Importance of Accurate Stability and
Concentration Determination in Biomolecular Interaction Analysis
See Addendum for session description.
2014 Thematic Meetings
Modeling of Biomolecular
Systems Interactions,
Dynamics, and Allostery
Istanbul, Turkey
September 10–14, 2014
Abstract Deadline: May 5
Significance of Knotted Structures
for Function of Proteins and
Nucleic Acids
Warsaw, Poland
September 17–21, 2014
Abstract Deadline: May 12
Disordered Motifs and
Domains in Cell Control
Dublin, Ireland
October 11–15, 2014
Abstract Deadline: June 2
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