Program Book - page 222

Biophysical Society 58
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California
Company Name Booth Number Company Name Booth Number
Company Name Booth Number
New 2014 Exhibitor
CRC Press/Taylor &
Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487
Taylor & Francis/CRC Press is a premier books
and journals publisher. Visit our booth to browse
recent titles, including
Introduction to Fluorescence
byDavid Jameson and
Commonly AskedQuestions
. Attendees will receive discounts and
are invited to discuss new project ideas with
senior publishing editor, Luna Han: luna.han@
Dynamic Biosensors 305
Lochhamer Str. 15
Planegg/Martinsried 82152
Dynamic Biosensors offers solutions for molecu-
lar interaction analysis and beyond. Our pro-
prietary switchSENSE technology is the first
and only dynamic biosensor on the market,
providing maximal analytical content and supe-
rior sensitivity. In addition to measuring binding
affinities and kinetics, switchSENSE also allows
the determination of molecular size, conforma-
tional changes, aggregate formation, molecular
charge, and much more - label free and in real-
time. Our customers are scientists from major
pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as
first-class research institutions.
Ecocyte Bioscience
5214 Burleson Road, Suite 101
Austin, TX 78744
EcoCyte Bioscience is leading supplier of
Xenopus oocytes in the US/Europe. Our oocytes
are defolliculated and ready to use. Additionally,
Ecocyte Bioscience offers contract services such
as TEVC in oocytes and recordings from brain
and heart slices. We focus on your time intensive
prep work; you focus on your research.
eDAQ, Inc.
5755 Industrial Place, Suite A
Colorado Springs, CO 80916
eDAQ products for cellular membrane analysis
are based on a stable tethered lipid bilayer mem-
brane constructed in a six cell test plate. Custom
or standardized membranes can be assembled and
once created, bulk ion channel analysis can be
performed with ion channel current resolutions
higher than what may be achieved with patch
clamping (because the system looks at thousands
of conducting channels). The Tetha systems are
an excellent choice for teaching and researching
ionophore related ion transfer across cellular
membranes. A full selection of ionophores is
available for study in mainstream chemistry as
well as pre-med, veterinary, pharma, biochemis-
try, and agricultural sciences. Results are fast and
easily obtained and charted.Tetha systems allow
for patch clamp experiments (TethaPatch System)
as well as membrane conductance (TethaPod
System) and capacitance evaluations. Utilizing
a large patch size (2.1mm) ion currents can
be quickly evaluated eliminating the hit/miss
approach of micropipette electrode systems.
Electron Microscopy Sciences 309
1560 Industry Road
Hatfield, PA 19440
Electron Microscopy Sciences will have on dis-
play their complete line of chemicals, accessories
and equipment for Microscopy. On display will
be their complete line of Sputtering and Vacuum
Deposition equipment, Cell Stretchers, Tissue
Processors and Microwave Ovens.
Extrel CMS
575 Epsilon Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Extrel is the world’s leading manufacturer of
research and process quadrupole mass spec-
trometers. We have been providing mass spec-
trometry solutions to our research and industrial
customers for 50 years. Our instruments are
known for their high performance, reliability and
flexibility. We offer equipment for basic research,
QA/QC and many other applications.
Third Floor, Middlesex House
34-42 Cleveland Street
London, W1T 4LB
United Kingdom
is a completely original open
access journal for life scientists; it offers rapid
publication, transparent peer review (post pub-
lication) and full data deposition and sharing.
accepts all scientifically sound
articles, ranging from single findings, case
reports, protocols, replications, and null or nega-
tive results to more traditional articles.
FEI Company
5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Take the proven path to research results with
FEI. With a comprehensive range of flexible
microscopy workflows and a commitment to
innovation, FEI enables life sciences researchers
to discover better answers quickly and more
easily. More customers achieve results and rec-
ognition working with FEI than with any other
solution provider.
Finger Lakes
Instrumentation, LLC
7298 WMain Street
Lima, NY 14485
MicroLine cooled CCD cameras and High
Speed Filter Wheels under MicroManager /
ImageJ software control. The compact deep-
cooled MicroLine is a favorite for both OEM
and Research Labs for low-light applications.
The MicroLine supports over 40 different CCDs
including Sony ICX285 (1.3MP), Sony ICX694
(6MP) and Truesense KAI-8050 (8MP).
Win a Kindle Paperwhite!
Enter your raffle tickets
(included with your badge)
during the Meet the
Speakers/Meet the Editors
event in the Exhibit Hall
on Wednesday for your
chance to win.
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