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PBS Information:

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Please refer to the Product Information before prescribing. Product Information is available from


(golimumab, rmc).


Moderate to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adult patients, in combination with methotrexate; active and progressive psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in adult patients, alone or in combination

with methotrexate; active ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in adult patients,

*active ulcerative colitis (UC) in adult patients



Severe infections such as tuberculosis (TB) and sepsis, opportunistic infections; concurrent anakinra or

abatacept; moderate or severe heart failure (NYHA class III/IV), hypersensitivity to golimumab or any excipients.


May affect immune response; chronic, current, history or risk of infections, TB; Hep B reactivation; Hep B screening;

surgery (infection risk); history or current malignancies,

*hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma; colon dysplasia/carcinoma;

skin cancers, periodic skin examination, risk of malignancies in children, especially with concurrent immunosuppressants; CNS

demyelinating disorders; haematological cytopaenias; live vaccines not recommended;*concurrent therapeutic infectious agents not recommended; hypersensitivity reactions*, latex sensitivity; autoimmunity. Not recommended in pregnancy

(Category C) or while breastfeeding. Contraception recommended and discontinue breastfeeding including at least 6 months after last dose.

Adverse Effects:

URTIs, infections, allergic reactions, GI effects, increased ALT and AST, dizziness,

headache, asthenia, hypertension, pruritus, neoplasms (including melanoma), visual disorders, CHF, lupus-like syndrome, for others see full Product information.


RA, PsA, AS:

50 mg subcutaneous injection once a month, on the same

date each month;

*UC: 200mg at Week 0, 100mg at Week 2 then 100mg every 4 weeks.


Solution for injection containing 50 mg golimumab in Smartject Injector pen or pre-filled syringe;

*Solution for injection containing 100 mg golimumab in Smartject Injector pen or pre-filled syringe.

Date of preparation: 20 March 2014.


Please note changes in the Product Information

Reference: 1.

SIMPONI Product Information (7 July 2014)


This patient story is fictional. A model was used in the photographs.


Janssen-Cilag 2015.

Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd. ABN 47 000 129 975. 1-5 Khartoum Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113 AU-SIM0319. McCann Healthcare SIM0181_RN. Date prepared: March 2015.

See the person behind the patient

For one whole month, we

captured on camera many

moments of the life of a

Simponi patient, Sarah Ryan†.

In all those moments Simponi

featured in just one.

Bet you won’t notice

which one.

A life with RA is made up

of many moments.