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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


4 - Generalized Bounded Rationality and Robust Multi-Commodity

Network Design

Changhyun Kwon, Associate Professor, University of South

Florida, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, ENB 118, Tampa, FL, 33620,

United States of America,,

Longsheng Sun,

Mark Karwan

When the route-choice behavior of network users are uncertain, the notion of

bounded rationality has been used to allow users to choose sub-optimal routes

whose length is within a certain bound. In this paper, we provide another

framework to explain such bounded rationality assuming that network users

make perfectly rational route decisions, but with perception error in link costs. By

showing that some cases of the perception error model are equivalent to the

bounded rationality models, we establish the notion of generalized bounded

rationality. We demonstrate how the notion of generalized bounded rationality

can be used for robust multi-commodity network design problems and provide

computable optimization frameworks based on both links and paths. We illustrate

our approaches in the context of hazardous materials transportation.


72-Room 203A, CC

Panel Discussion on Big Data Science –

Opportunities and Challenges

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Hui Yang, Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University, 310

Leonhard Building, Industrial and Manufacturing Eng., State College,

PA, 16801, United States of America,

1 - Panel Discussion on Big Data Science - Opportunities and


Moderator:Hui Yang, Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State

University, 310 Leonhard Building, Industrial and Manufacturing

Eng., State College, PA, 16801, United States of America,,

Panelists: Soundar Kumara, Liying Cui, Yan Xu,

Andrew Kusiak

This panel brings experts from academia and industry to discuss the opportunities

and challenges in big data science. The panelists are: Dr. Andrew Kusiak,

Professor and Chair, The University of Iowa; Dr. Soundar Kumara, Professor, The

Pennsylvania State University; Dr. Yan Xu, Senior Manager, Big data optimization

group, SAS Institue; Dr. Liying Cui, network improvement manager, Starbucks; ...


73-Room 203B, CC

Data Analytics in Manufacturing and

Service Industries

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Nan Chen, National University of Singapore, 117576, Singapore,

Co-Chair: Kaibo Wang, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University,

Department of Industrial Engineering, Beijing, China,

1 - Modeling Air Quality Data based on Physical

Dispersion Processes

Xiao Liu, IBM, Singapore,

In this paper, we investigate a statistical modeling approach based on a commonly

used physical dispersion model, called the scalar transport equation. The

relationship between the proposed spatial-temporal model and the physical model

is well established. The model describes the pollutant concentration by a non-

stationary random field with a space-time non-separable and anisotropic

covariance structure.

2 - Remaining Useful Life Prediction using Mixed Effects Model with

Mixture Prior Distributions

Raed Al Kontar, UW Madison, Eagle Heights 301J, Madison, WI,

United States of America,

, Junbo Son,

Shiyu Zhou

In Modern engineering systems, pre-mature failure has become quite rare. Thus,

degradation signals used for prognosis are often imbalanced. Such imbalanced

data may hinder accurate remaining useful life prediction especially in terms of

detecting pre-mature failures as early as possible. We propose a degradation signal

based RUL prediction method to address the imbalance in data. This method

captures the characteristics of different groups and provides real time updating of

an in-service unit

3 - An OSA Detection Approach using a Discriminative Hidden

Markov Model

Xi Zhang, Assistant Professor, Peking University, 5 Yiheyuan Rd.,

Beijing, 100871, China,

, Changyue Song,

Kaibo Liu

We proposed a novel detection approach for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) based

on ECG signals by considering the temporal dependency. A discriminative hiddern

Markov model (HMM) and corresponding parameter estimation algorithms are

provided, and a real case study shows that a competitive performance including

accuracies of 94.3% for per-recording classification and 86.2% for per-segment

OSA detection with satisfactory sensitivity and specificity were achieved.

4 - Quantification and Monitoring on Ecommerce Reviews Dataset

Suoyuan Song, HKUST, Dept. of IELM, HKUST, Clear Water Bay,

Kowloon, Hong Kong - PRC,


Fugee Tsung

Recently, the boom of e-merchants have attracted researchers on analyzing those

text-rich data. Unfortunately, these technologies have drawn little attention in

statistics and quality area. In this article, we aim to (1) use text mining

technologies to first quantify customer reviews, and (2) build statistical model to

monitor those text-rich reviews data.


74-Room 204A, CC

Advanced Maintenance Modeling

Sponsor: Quality, Statistics and Reliability

Sponsored Session

Chair: Yisha Xiang, Assistant Professor, Lamar University, 2626 Cherry

Engineering Building, Beaumont,, TX, 77710, United States of America,

Co-Chair: David Coit, Professor, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,

United States of America,

1 - A Gaming Model for Outsourcing Maintenance under Uncertain

Fleet Expansion

Tongdan Jin, Texas State University, 601 University Drive,

San Marcos, TX, United States of America,


Shuying Li, Hong-zhong Huang

We propose a multi-criteria, performance-based maintenance contract to

maximize the utilities of the customer and the supplier under principal-agent

model. We prove that supplier’s decision on maintenance time, spares stocking

and repair capacity are fully observable to the customer, hence ensuring fully

efficient service delivery with no moral hazards. We further show that customers

are incentivized to share advance demand information with the supplier for new

product acquisition.

2 - A Survey of Condition-based Maintenance Policies for

Deteriorating Systems

Suzan Alaswad, Assistant Professor, Zayed University, Kalifa City

B, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,,

Yisha Xiang

This paper reviews CBM literature highlighting the various stochastic modeling

approaches. This paper classifies the CBM models based on the system stochastic

degradation model (i.e. whether the degradation state is discrete or continuous)

into three deterioration models: discrete, proportional hazard model (PHM), and

continuous, and surveys existing CBM models based on this classification for both

single and multi unit systems.

3 - Markov Additive Processes for Degradation with Jumps under

Dynamic Environments

Yin Shu, University of Houston, E206 Engineering Bldg.2,

Houston, TX, 77204, United States of America,

, Qianmei Feng, Edward Kao, Hao Liu,

David Coit

We use Markov additive processes to integrally handle the complexity of

degradation including internally- and externally-induced stochastic properties

with complex jump mechanisms. We derive the Fokker-Planck equations for such

processes, based on which we derive explicit results for life characteristics

represented by infinitesimal generator matrices and Levy measures. The

superiority of our models is their flexibility in modeling degradation data with

fluctuation under dynamic environments.
