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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


7 - Intersection of a Tree Network for the Single Refueling Station

Location Problem

Sang Jin Kweon, PhD Student, The Pennsylvania State

University, 310 Leonhard Building, State College, PA, 16802,

United States of America,

An intersection is the vertex whose degree is greater than two in the network. In

this talk, we consider intersections and develops the methodology that determines

the continuous interval of the potential locations for a single alternative-fuel

refueling station on a tree network, with an objective of maximizing the amount

of traffic flows in round trips per time unit captured by the station.

8 - Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Future Paradigm of

Educational Environments

Alireza Farasat, University at Buffalo (SUNY), 4433 Chestnut

Ridge Rd Apt. 7, Amherst, NY, 14228, United States of America,,

Alexander Nikolaev

Educational systems have witnessed a substantial transition from traditional

educational methods mainly using text books, lectures, etc. to newly developed

systems which are artificial intelligent-based systems and personally tailored to

the learners. We have developed a web-based tool, Crowdlearning which

concentrates on creating an intelligent system that learns to interact with students

and motivates them to more actively participate in the learning process by

proposing their own problems.

9 - Optimized Scheduling of Sequential Resource Allocation Systems

Ran Li, PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology, 755 Ferst

Drive NW, Atlanta, GA, 30332, United States of America,

, Spyros Reveliotis

We consider the scheduling problem of allocating finite reusable resources to

concurrent sequential processes. This problem also involves the logical issue of

deadlock avoidance. Our approach is based on the formal model of the

generalized stochastic Petri-net. Special emphasis is placed on the representational

and computational complexity of the proposed methods, which are controlled

through (i) a pertinent (re-)definition of the target policy spaces, and (ii)

simulation optimization.

10 - Operation Research for Data Mining: An Application to

Medical Diagnosis

Shahab Derhami, Auburn University, 3301 Shelby Center,

Auburn, GA, 36849, United States of America,

Fuzzy rule based classification systems (FRBCSs) have been successfully employed

as a data mining technique where the goal is to discover the hidden knowledge in

a data set and develop an accurate classification model. Despite various heuristic

approaches that have been proposed to learn fuzzy rules for these systems, no

exact optimization approach has been developed for this problem. We propose

integer programming models to learn fuzzy rules for a FRBCS used for medical

diagnosis purpose.

11 - Forecasting Surges in the Hospital Emergency Department (ED)

Alexander Gutfraind, Chief Healthcare Data Scientist, Uptake

Technologies, 600 W. Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60654, United

States of America,

, Nelson Bowers,

Jim Herzog, Madeline Jannotta, Ilan Kreimont,

Adam Mcelhinney

A major hospital system in the Chicago metro area experiences large unexpected

surges in its Emergency Department (ED).

Using five years of ED admissions we predict ED surges and improve scheduling

of staff.

Data indicates the time of arrival, rooming and discharge and acuity. Total arrivals

per day cannot be predicted accurately with epidemiological climatological,

calendar variables but the state of the ED could be predicted 1-4 hours in advance

with high accuracy using VAR methods.

12 - A New Measure for Testing Independence

Qingcong Yuan, Graduate Student, University of Kentucky, 300

Alumni Drive Apt. 166, Lexington, KY, 40503, United States of


, Xiangrong Yin

We introduce a new measure for testing independence between two random

vectors. Our measure differs from that of distance covariance, by using expected

conditional difference of characteristic functions. We propose one empirical

version by slicing on one of the random vectors. This empirical measure is based

on certain Euclidean distance. Its properties, asymptotics and applications in

testing independence are discussed. Implementation and Monte Carlo results are

also presented.

13 - Graph Based Non-isometric Curve to Surface Matching for

Local Calibration

Babak Farmanesh, PhD Student, Oklahoma State University,

322 Engineering North, Stillwater, OK, 74078-5016, United

States of America,


Balabhaskar Balasundaram, Arash Pourhabib

Calibration refers to the process of adjusting parameters of a computer simulation

so that the simulation responses match the corresponding physical responses.

Calibration can be interpreted as a curve to surface matching problem. We

propose a graph-theoretic non-isometric matching approach to solve this problem

using the graph shortest path algorithm in one-dimensional spaces. For higher

dimensional spaces, we introduce the generalized shortest path concept to solve

the matching problem.

14 - Location and Coverage Models for Preventing Attacks to

Interurban Transportation Networks

Ramón Auad, Associate Professor, Universidad Católica del Norte,

Of. 318, Bldg. Y1, 0610 Angamos Avenue, Antofagasta, 1240000,


Rajan Batta

We develop a binary integer programming model to solve this problem, whose

objective is to maximize the expected vehicle coverage across the network over a

time horizon, using decomposition heuristics. To introduce a measure of equity,

we propose two sets of time constraints, considering total vehicle coverage,

inequity and network coverage. We explore scalability of the model for

excessively large instances. All of this features are applied to a case study in

Northern Israel.

15 - An Information-based Framework for Incorporating Travel Time

Uncertainty in Transportation Modeling

Jiangbo Yu, University of California, Irvine, 4101 Palo Verde Rd,

Irvine, CA, 92617, United States of America,


Jay Jayakrishnan

This paper proposes a modeling framework aimed at systematically incorporating

perceived uncertainty into decision making. The model uses theoretically sound

concepts from information theory, communication, and cognitive science.

Potential applications and implications are identified and demonstrated with


16 - Database of Identified Poly and Mono ADP-ribosylated Proteins

Charul Agrawal, Undergraduate Student, Indian Institute of

Technology (IIT) Delhi, Room No ED-16, Himadri Hostel, Hauz

Khas, New Delhi, 110016, India,

Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is a family of enzymes with 17 known

members regulating post translational modification of proteins by attaching a

single ADP ribose unit (MARylation) or a chain of ADP ribose (PARylation).In this

study we have attempted to identify all proteins known to be modified by PARPs

and the methods as well as drugs used in such studies. Our study aims to create

the first ever tool for characterizing these modifications.

17 - Configuring Ecommerce Driven Supply Chains in the

FMCG Sector

Stanley Lim, PhD Candidate, Cambridge University, Department

of Engineering, 17 Charles Babbage Road, Cambridge,

United Kingdom,

Omnichannel has become the engine of growth in retailing. However, it remains

unclear as to how distribution networks should be configured. This research will

shed light through a framework development, and by drawing theories from

supply chain configuration, resource based view, and transaction cost economics.

Case study approach is adopted to identify the critical factors driving operational

choices and seeks to elaborate the relationships between configuration, capability

and performance.

18 - Benchmarking Construction and Improvement Heuristics for

Classification using Markov Blankets

Daniel Gartner, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue,

Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States of America,,

Rema Padman

This study examines construction heuristics in connection with a tabu search-

based improvement heuristic for classification in high dimensional data sets.

Using the UCI machine learning data repository containing benchmark instances

in e.g. health care, we evaluate computation times and information about the

evolution of the Markov blanket graphical models in each phase of the heuristics.

We compare the performance of the approaches using evaluation measures such

as classification accuracy.

19 - A Sim-heuristic Algorithm for Robust Vehicle Routing Problems

with Stochastic Demand

Abdulwahab Almutairi, Technology, 9 Horizon Building,

Portsmouth, PO4 8EW, United Kingdom,

We consider the VRPSD in which customers’ demands are stochastic. We propose

to model and solve the VRPSD by developing a robust optimisation model with a

sim-heuristic solution method to minimise the cost while satisfying all demands.

The method combines MCS with CWS in order to efficiently solve the VRPSD

combinatorial optimisation problem. The results is generating very good quality

solutions compared to those in the literature.