INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015
74 - Surgical Operations Scheduling with Machine Eligibility and
Resource Constraint
Shan Wang, Shanghai Jiaotong Univerisity, 704 West 180th
Street, First Floor, #4, New York City, NY, 10033, United States of
America,, Guohua Wan, Huiqiao Su
We study a problem in surgical operations scheduling and model it as a resource-
constrained machine scheduling problem with eligibility restriction to minimize
the makespan. By decomposing it into two subproblems, we develop effective
heuristic algorithms to solve the problem. We test the proposed algorithms on
randomly generated instances as well as real data set from a large hospital. The
numerical results show the effectiveness and potential practical value of the
models and the algorithms.
75 - Optimizing System-Level Preventative Maintenance Cost of
Multistate Series-Parallel Systems
Sallamar Worrell, The George Washington University, 3117
Icehouse Place, Bryans Road, MD, 20616, United States of
America,,James Moreland Jr., Steve Doskey
Maintenance costs for complex systems are often overpaid due to the lack of
maintenance harmony between the individual subsystems. The research in this
study proposes the use of a new meta-heuristic optimization method, the Grey
Wolf Optimizer algorithm developed by Mirjalili and Lewis, to identify the
optimal system-level maintenance strategy for multistate series-parallel systems
and aims to produce better results than the methods previously applied to this
problem in published literature.
76 - Predicting Digital Currency Price from Social and
Traditional Media
Peng Xie, Georgia Institute of Technology, Room 907,
100 10th Street, Atlanta, GA, 30309, United States of America,
peng.xie@scheller.gatech.eduUsing daily Bitcoin price data and Bitcoin Forum discussion, we try to understand
if social media can affect Bitcoin price and how long does it take. We use the
percentage of negative words as the measure of the article sentiment. The results
show that social media can affect price. However, for information sources focusing
on speculation, the effects on prices are immediate. In contrast, information
concerning fundamentals impacts prices in a longer holding period.
77 - The Dimensions of Supervision-subordinate Relationship
Liuqing Yang, Xi`an Jiaotong University, No.28, Xianning West
Road, Xi’an, China,,Qiaozhuan Liang
Subordinate can form distinguishable social exchange relationships with their
immediate supervisor.The exchange resources differ between organizational and
personal. Based on the taxonomy, social exchange relationship can development
a construct of four dimensions: work, flatter, private, selfless. Various dimension
have different impact on performance as a mediator or intervening variable. The
construct can explain the puzzle of relationship between social exchange
relationship and performance.
78 - Counterfeits, Anti-counterfeit Technology and
Monitoring Strategy
Shiqing Yao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 9/F, Cheng
Yu Tung Building, No.12 Chak Cheung Street, Shatin, N.T., Hong
Kong, Hong Kong - PRC,,Kaijie Zhu
We consider an authentic company that sells its products to a customer market. In
the same market, a counterfeiter may sell its low-quality counterfeits. The
authentic company can put effort into developing an anti-counterfeit technology
to distinguish its products from counterfeits while the authority can monitor the
market and outlaw counterfeiting localities. We derive the company’s optimal
decision on its anti-counterfeit effort and highlight its difference from
conventional wisdom.
79 - Optimization of Area Traffic Control: A Binary Mixed Integer
Linear Programming Approach
Zhao Zhang, Research Assistant, Tsinghua University, Room 615,
Shunde Building, Haidian District, Beijing, 100084, China, paper proposes a model aims at optimizing area traffic control. We use
network total delay as the objective in the model. In this research, cell
transmission model is used to discretize research time into many intervals and
signal coordination, lane settings, phase, start of green and green split can be
optimized simultaneously. The model is linear in nature and can be solved by
standard branch and bound algorithm.
80 - Identify Naturally Occurring Healthcare Provider Referral
Networks for Diabetic Patients
Yuchen Zheng, PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA, 30032, United States of America,,Kun Lin, Jeremy Pickreign,
Thomas White, Gigi Yuen
The pioneer Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), where doctors voluntarily
form groups to deliver coordinated quality care, saved Medicare $400 million in
two years. To improve ACOs design, we utilize past care patterns and adopt
modularity maximization to detect pre-existing referral networks for diabetic
patients, within which doctors share patients frequently. We further identify the
driving forces of the underlying community structures and understand the
relation to cost and utilization.
81 - Real-time Heat Exchanger Efficiency Monitoring
Yousif Abualsoud, Saudi Aramco, Al-Midra, Dhahran,
Saudi Arabia,
yousif.abualsoud@aramco.comSaudi Aramco Engineering Services developed a systematic model to calculate
shell and tube heat exchangers efficiency in real time using data analytics
technique. Monitoring the heat exchanger efficiency in real time supports the
decisions making to plan for turndown time by detecting the failure time
proactively. Moreover, it provides the field engineers continuous monitoring to
energy consumer and highlights the wasted energy locations, quantity and cost.
82 - A Decision-analytic Approach to Inferring Preference from
Choice Behavior
Matthew D. Wood, Research Psychologist, US Army Engineer
Research & Development Center, Concord, MA, United States of
America,, Matthew Bates,
Danielle M. Beeler, Jeffrey M. Keisler
Decision making in resource management requires consideration of multiple
conflicting objectives. Traditional elicitation methods (e.g., swing weighting) work
well with clearly defined problem spaces and effects between decisions and
consequences. In more complex domains, an inferential approach is needed to
estimate preference using system feedback over samples with subject-matter
experts. We describe a decision analysis game with an environmental case study
83 - Artificial Variability and Case Mix in Relation to Patient Flow
at a Hospital Outpatient Clinic
Monique Bakker, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
999077, Hong Kong-PRC,
moniquebakker121@gmail.comWe aim to improve the patient flow through first, second, and nth visits to a
specialist outpatient clinic and elective surgery. We investigate variability in key
resource availability (i.e. the specialists) in relation to case mix decisions, sub-
specialization restrictions, and resource allocation: how is indirect wait time (or
access time). We use Discrete Event Simulation to schedule patients under a
broad and realistic set of rules and restrictions to compare alternate scenarios.
Tuesday, 1:30pm - 3:00pm
01-Room 301, Marriott
Logistics and Operations Research
Sponsor: Military Applications
Sponsored Session
Chair: Andrew Hall, COL, U.S. Army, 4760 40th St N, Arlington, Va,
United States of America,
AndrewOscarH@aol.com1 - Scheduling the Transition of the C-130 Aircraft Fleet to a New
Maintenance Process
Melissa Bowers,, Bogdan Bichescu,
Kenneth Gilbert, Anurag Agarwal, Doug Keene
The US Air Force is tasked to increase aircraft availability through a new
initiative, the High Velocity Maintenance program, which seeks to increase
availability of aircraft to the US military through a reduction in the time an
aircraft spends on the ground undergoing planned maintenance. The transition of
a fleet of aircraft from the standard process to shorter HVM cycles is a complex
task that requires careful planning. A mixed-integer programming approach is
used to generate a schedule which maintains a constant annual workload and
yields lower flow times and work-in-process levels.
2 - Learning and Bayesian Updating in Made-to-order
(MTO) Production
Keith Womer, Professor, University of Missouri - St. Louis, One
University Blvd, St. Louis, MO, 63121, United States of America,,Jeffrey Camm, Haitao Li, Colin Osterman,
Rajesh Radhakrishnan
The case of production planning for made-to-order (MTO) manufacturing. We
minimize expected discounted cost by controlling production rate. A dynamic and
adaptive approach to estimate the effects of learning and to optimize next period
production is developed. This approach offers a closed-loop solution through
stochastic dynamic programming. The approach is illustrated using data from the
Black Hawk Helicopter Program.