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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



15-Franklin 5, Marriott

Optimization Models in Radiotherapy Treatment


Sponsor: Optimization in Healthcare

Sponsored Session

Chair: Victor Wu, PhD Student, University of Michigan,

1205 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States of America,

1 - Tractable Approaches to Multiple-needle Radiofrequency Ablation

Shefali Kulkarni-thaker, Graduate Student, University of Toronto,

5 Kings College Road, Medical Operations Research Lab (RS304),

Toronto, ON, (416) 978, Canada,


Dionne Aleman, Aaron Fenster

In radiofrequency ablation (RFA), needles are used to apply extreme heat to

tumors, eradicating cancerous cells. To optimize multiple-needle RFA treatments,

we first obtain needle trajectories and positions using minimum volume covering

sphere and ellipse formulations. Then, we optimize the heat delivery duration for

each needle using tractable approximations to several thermal damage models.

We discuss resulting clinical treatment quality for four 3D patient models.

2 - Robotic Path Finding Techniques in Stereotactic Radiosurgery

Treatment Optimization

Marlee Vandewouw, University of Toronto, 5 King’s College

Road, Toronto, Canada,


Kimia Ghobadi, Dionne Aleman, David Jaffray

We investigate applying robotic path finding techniques to develop treatment

plans for Gamma Knife Perfexion where the radiation is delivered continuously.

We explore the use of simultaneous localization and mapping, combined with

heuristic exploration techniques, to generate a path. A mixed integer model is

then used to find the beam times for this selected path. We discuss the advantages

and challenges of this method in comparison to the conventional forward and

inverse step-and-shoot plans.

3 - Adaptive and Robust Radiation Therapy in the Presence of Drift

Philip Allen Mar, Dept. of MIE, University of Toronto,

5 King’s College Road, Toronto, ON, M5S 3G8, Canada,,

Timothy Chan

We present our computational study of an adaptive and robust optimization

radiation therapy (ARRT) method. Previously, it was shown that this ARRT

method provides asymptotically optimal treatment plans for convergent

sequences of tumor motion distributions. In this work, we generate simulated

sequences of tumor motion distributions that exhibit baseline, amplitude and

breathing phase drift, and show the effectiveness of the ARRT method applied to

these sequences.

4 - Vmat Radiation Therapy: Modeling Treatment Delivery Time

Versus Plan Quality

David Craft, Massachusetts General Hospital, 30 Fruit St, Boston,

MA, 02114, United States of America,


Marleen Balvert

Volumetric modulated arc therapy is a radiation method where the gantry

delivers dose continuously as it rotates around the patient. Metal leaves sweep

across the field to modulate the intensity fields. In commercial software, leaf

trajectories are solved by heuristics without any guarantee of an optimality gap.

VMAT is a large scale non-convex optimization problem with many local minima.

We offer a solution approach and explore the tradeoff between treatment quality

and delivery time.


16-Franklin 6, Marriott

Game Theory I

Contributed Session

Chair: Sam Ganzfried, Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science

Department, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States

of America,

1 - A Stochastic Approach for Dynamic Urban Supply

Chain Management

Afrooz Ansaripour, Pennsylvania State University, 244 Leonhard

building, State College, PA, United States of America,

, Wenjing Song,

Terry Friesz, Yiou Wang, Zhaohu Fan

Lack of information sharing causes negative impacts such as traffic and pollution.

City logistics aims to optimize urban freight systems. This paper is an extension of

recent stochastic vehicle routing and scheduling frameworks. These frameworks

do not necessarily account for real-time variability in traffic. This paper

incorporates uncertainty in demand and presents a real-time stochastic

production plan and scheduling framework. SDVI will be used to obtain the

equilibrium solution.

2 - A Mixed Cooperative Dual to the Nash Equilibrium

Bill Corley, Professor, The University of Texas at Arlington,

P.O. Box 19017, Arlington, TX, 76019, United States of America,

A mixed dual to the Nash equilibrium is defined for n-person games in strategic

form. This dual extends the Berge equilibrium from pure to mixed strategies so

that mutual cooperation is achieved for the expected payoffs. Conditions are

established for the existence of a dual equilibrium. However, it is shown that for

each n>2 there exists a game for which no dual equilibrium exists. This fact may

be interpreted as there are mathematical as well as sociological obstacles to

mutual cooperation.

3 - Nash’s Continuous Transformation and a Smooth Homotopy

Method for Computing Nash Equilibrium

Yabin Sun, PhD, City University of Hong Kong, R5218, Academic

Building 2, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Hong Kong -


Chuangyin Dang, Yin Chen

A different procedure often results in the different selection of Nash equilibrium.

To prove the existence of Nash equilibrium, Nash defined a continuous

transformation. This paper applies Nash’s continuous transformation to develop a

smooth homotopy method by introducing just one extra variable. Starting from

any given totally mixed strategy profile, the method numerically follows a smooth

path that ends at a Nash equilibrium. Extensive numerical results show that the

method is very efficient.

4 - When to Release Feedback in a Dynamic Tournament

Ruoyu Wang, PhD Candidate, Fuqua School of Business,

Duke University, 100 Fuqua Drive, Durham, NC, 27708,

United States of America,,

Brendan Daley

We study dynamic tournaments in which time is modeled explicitly, as opposed to

with the abstract notion of periods. By doing so, we characterize the effects of the

ex-ante-designated timing of an interim progress report. Whether a policy of

reporting increases total expected effort does not depend on the release time. We

find that total expected effort is single-peaked/single-troughed in the report’s

release time, with the peak/tough located at a time more than halfway through

the tournament.

5 - Endgame Solving in Large Imperfect-information Games

Sam Ganzfried, Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science

Department, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United

States of America,

, Tuomas Sandholm

Sequential games of perfect information can be solved in linear time by a

straightforward backward induction procedure; however, this procedure does not

work in games with imperfect information since different endgames can contain

nodes that belong to the same information set and cannot be treated

independently. We present an efficient algorithm for performing endgame solving

in large imperfect-information games and demonstrate its success experimentally

in two-player no-limit Texas hold ‘em.


17-Franklin 7, Marriott

Network Analysis I

Sponsor: Optimization/Network Optimization

Sponsored Session

Chair: Alexander Veremyev, University of Florida, 1350 N Poquito

Road, Shalimar, FL, United States of America,

1 - Optimizing Network Recovery Time under Uncertainty

Juan Borrero, University of Pittsburgh, 3700 O’Hara Street,

Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States of America,,

Pavlo Krokhmal, Oleg Prokopyev

We consider a network under attack, where its nodes can recover either on their

own, by receiving support from neighboring nodes, or by receiving support from

outside the network. A decision maker has to determine how to invest his budget

on these options in order to minimize recovery time. We propose a novel

hierarchical and stochastic model to address the issue, derive closed form

equations for the optimal resource allocation, and study its behavior as the

number of nodes grows to infinity.
