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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


2 - Facility Location Problem with Appointment Scheduling

in Healthcare

Mengnan Chen, University of Central Florida, Department of

IEMS, Orlando, FL, 32816, United States of America,

, Qipeng Zheng

Facility location problem with appointment scheduling in healthcare is used to

schedule elective surgeries for physician, as well as to provide multiple choices for

patients. Facility location problem aims to improve the match between healthcare

resources (physician, clinic location) and patient needs (preferences and types of

diseases). By solving this problem, we can meet the minimum of loss for the

hospital (the total travel time) and satisfied the each patient preference as much

as possible.

3 - Exploiting Variability with Machine Learning Based Restart

Strategies for MIP Solvers

Lars Beckmann, University of Paderborn, Warburger Strafle 100,

Paderborn, De, 33100, Germany,

Performance variability, a.k.a. the heavy-tail phenomenon, can greatly affect the

solution time of combinatorial problems, especially mixed-integer programming

(MIP) models. We present a machine learning based restart strategy that exploits

variability for quickly solving MIP problems. We show that this approach is

effective on a large dataset of MIP models. Our approach can be integrated in any

MIP solver and can potentially be generalized for solving other combinatorial

problems as well.

4 - Faster Infeasibility Analysis for Mixed Integer Linear Programming

John Chinneck, Professor, Carleton University, Systems and

Computer Engineering, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON,

K1S5B6, Canada,,

Andrew Scherr

Finding an Irreducible Infeasible Subset of Constraints in an infeasible mixed

integer linear program is extremely time consuming due to the need to solve

many different MILPs. We present a number of new algorithms that greatly speed

the process of analyzing infeasibility by reducing the number and size of MILP

subproblems solved.

5 - Algorithms for Determining Internal Credit Ratings

Srinivas Bollapragada, Chief Engineer, General Electric,

1 Research Circle, Niskayuna, NY, 12309, United States of


Xing Wang

Financial Institutions assign credit ratings to customers for managing risks.

Underwriters use these ratings to determine risk-based pricing. We developed an

efficient algorithm to assign credit ratings to customers. Our algorithm partitions

the probability of defaults associated with customers into a specified number of

risk classes to achieve a target mean probability of default for each class. GE

Capital Services uses our algorithm for its risk management needs.


13-Franklin 3, Marriott

Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Sean Skwerer, Yale, 300 George Street, Suite 523, New Haven,

CT, United States of America,

1 - Finite Horizon Markov Decision Problems and a Central Limit

Theorem for Total Reward

Alessandro Arlotto, Duke University, Durham, NC,

United States of America,

, J. Michael Steele

We prove a CLT for a class of additive processes that arise naturally in the theory

of finite horizon Markov decision problems (MDPs). The theorem generalizes a

result of Dobrushin for temporally non-homogeneous Markov chains. The

innovation is that here the summands are permitted to depend on the current

state and a bounded number of future states of the chain. We show through

examples that this flexibility gives a direct path to asymptotic normality of the

total reward of finite horizon MDPs.

2 - Simplifying Ensembles of Trees

Sean Skwerer, Yale, 300 George Street, Suite 523,

New Haven, CT, United States of America,

Recursive partition functions (RPFs) are used in a wide variety of statistical

methods including classification and regression trees, regression splines, random

forests and boosting. The focus of this research is to find a framework for

aggregating an ensemble into a single tree or a small number of trees which have

comparable predictive strength to the entire ensemble. I will discuss advances

made in aggregating ensembles of recursive partition functions.

3 - Large Submatrix Detection in Gaussian Random Matrices

Quan Li, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 550 Memorial

Drive Apt. 12B4, Cambridge, MA, 02139, United States of


, David Gamarnik

Iterative Search Algorithm is widely used to find large average submatrices of a

real-valued matrix in the exploratory analysis. It alternately updates rows and

columns until no further improvement is obtained. We present first theoretical

analysis of its performance in Gaussian random matrices. We show that the

algorithm terminates within finite iterations w.h.p.. This result implies that it

converges to a local maximum submatrix w.h.p., leading to a constant factor gap

from the global maximum.

4 - Locality in Optimization

Patrick Rbeschini, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States

of America,,

Sekhar Tatikonda

How does the solution of a constrained network optimization problem behave

under perturbations of the constraints with respect to the topology of the

network? Typically, sensitivity results concern the objective function evaluated at

the optimal point, not the optimal point itself. We develop a general theory for

the local sensitivity of optimal points on networks. In the context of the network

flow problem, this theory yields that local perturbations on the constraints have

an impact on the components of the optimal point that decreases exponentially

with the graph-theoretical distance. These results suggest a notion of decay of

correlation for (non-random) optimization procedures. This notion can be used to

develop local algorithms that can substantially reduce the computational

complexity of canonical optimization procedures.


14-Franklin 4, Marriott

Stochastic Financial Optimization

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Miguel Lejeune, Associate Professor, The George Washington

University, 2201 G Street, NW, Funger Hall, Suite 415, Washington, DC,

20052, United States of America,

1 - Scenario Decomposition for a Class of Risk-averse

Stochastic Programs

Pavlo Krokhmal, University of Iowa, 2136 Seamans Center,

Iowa City, IA, United States of America,

We consider nonlinear convex stochastic optimization problems where objective

or constraints involve downside coherent or convex risk measures of special form.

A scenario decomposition algorithm that exploits the constraint structure induced

by the corresponding risk measures is proposed. Numerical experiments on

portfolio optimization problems illustrate the computational effectiveness of the

developed procedure.

2 - Risk-budgeting Multi-portfolio Optimization with Portfolio and

Marginal Risk Constraints

Ran Ji, PhD Candidate, The George Washington University, 2201

G St, NW, Funger 415H, Washington, DC, 20052, United States of


Miguel Lejeune

We propose several stochastic risk budgeting multi-portfolio optimization models

with portfolio and marginal risk constraints. The models permit the simultaneous

optimization of multiple sub-portfolios with a downside risk measure assigned to

each asset and sub-portfolio. Each model includes a joint chance constraint with

random technology matrix. We expand a combinatorial modeling framework to

represent the feasible set of the chance constraint as a set of mixed-integer linear


3 - Factor-based Robust Indexing

Roy Kwon, Associate Professor, University of Toronto,

5 King’s College Road, Toronto, Canada,,

Dexter Wu

We present an approach for tracking a benchmark index using robust factor

models. Robust versions of the Fama-French 3 and 5 factor models are developed

to construct uncertainty sets for a robust conic integer program. Constraints limit

risk, tracking error, and number of tickets. A Lagrangian-based strategy is

developed and computational results in tracking the SP 100 and SP 500 show that

robust indexing can offer enhanced indexation in turbulent market conditions.
