INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015
5 - Advantages of Dual Sourcing in the Presence of a
Demand-exploiting Supplier
Sunny S. Yang, Southampton Business School,
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom,
s.s.yang@soton.ac.uk, Li-ming Chen, Moren Lévesque
Dual sourcing has become a widespread supply-chain structure in today’s rapidly
changing, competitive global markets. We analyze a supply chain model involving
a new unproven supplier that is potentially unreliable but has the capability of
increasing the end-product demand. We show that a business start-up can
leverage its growth through an experienced supplier in the supply chain
competing for the buyer’s order.
10-Room 310, Marriott
Openness and IT
Sponsor: E-Business
Sponsored Session
Chair: Chen Zhang, Associate Professor, University of Memphis,
Department of MIS, Fogelman College of Business and Econ, Memphis,
TN, 38152, United States of America,
czhang12@memphis.edu1 - Adoption of Big Data Analytics in Healthcare:
An Economic Perspective
He Li, PhD Student, The University of Memphis,
Fogelman College of Business and Economi, Memphis, TN,
United States of America,
oliver.lihe@gmail.com, Jing Wu
We investigate the effects of big data analytics (BDA) on health IT products
competition. We model BDA’s healthcare efficiency and privacy risk from
consumer perspective and BDA’s benefit and cost from provider perspective in a
two-dimensional differentiation framework. Our model shows the impacts of
BDA on firms’ performances and social welfare. The conditions when firms
should invest on BDA are pointed. Implications, limitations, and future directions
are also discussed.
2 - Platform Openness and Evolution of its Ecosystem
Qizhi Dai, Associate Professor, Drexel University,
United States of America,
qd24@drexel.edu, Chen Zhang
An IT platform and products compatible with this platform form an ecosystem,
where the strategy of the platform provider plays a central role in determining the
structure and evolutionary path of the ecosystem. This study empirically
investigates the impact of the platform provider’s openness strategy on the
performance of firms in its ecosystem, which in turn influences the performance
of the platform provider.
3 - Adoption of Interorganizational Systems Standards under
Two-sided Network Effects
Kexin Zhao, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC,
United States of America,
kzhao2@uncc.eduInterorganizational systems (IOS) standards play a critical role in achieving
interoperability among supply chain partners. While users and vendors play
distinct yet complementary roles in the market, no prior research has examined
their adoption decisions simultaneously in a single study. We investigate IOS
standards adoption from both users’ and vendors’ perspectives to reveal
interesting cross-group complementarity in the technology adoption stage.
4 - An Empirical Study of Open Data Mobile Application Services
Deepti Agrawal, Assistant Professor, College of Charleston, 66
George Street, Charleston, SC, 29424, United States of America,
agrawald@cofc.eduOpen data in government refers to making data generated by government
transactions and sources available public in a usable format. Recently there has
been a rise in mobile apps developed by government agencies and third parties
that mash open data from different sources to enhance citizens’ experience and
interaction with the government. This study aims to empirically examine the
factors that influence the adoption of the open data mobile apps.
11-Franklin 1, Marriott
Contributed Session
Chair: Phillip O. Kriett, Technische Universitaat München,
TUM School of Management, Arcisstrafle 21, München, 80333,
phillip.kriett@tum.de1 - Large-scale Transmission Capacity Expansion Planning under
N-1 Contingency Analysis
Mohammad Majidi Qadikolai, University of Texas at Austin,
1616 Guadalupe UTA 2.304, Austin, TX, 78712-1684,
United States of America,
m.majidi@utexas.edu, Ross Baldick
We propose a method for large scale transmission expansion planning (TEP) by
integrating N-1 contingency analysis into a mixed integer programming
formulation. It uses contingency identification index integrated into a filtering
algorithm to detect unimportant lines for contingency analysis in different loading
conditions and remove them from the TEP optimization problem to reduce
problem size. The numerical result shows the capabilities of the proposed method
for solving challenging problems.
2 - Automatic Cell Design for Production Facility
Manoj Gupta, XEROX, PTP, Karnataka, India,
manoj.gupta@xerox.com,Sudhendu Rai, Jagadeesh Prabhakara
Consider a cell design algorithm in a print shop facility in which we have to assign
machines to cells such that for the arriving jobs, the following quantities are
minimized. 1)Number of late jobs. 2)Define the inter cellular movement of a job
J, the inter cellular movement of J is the number of times a job J moves from one
cell to the other. We design an algorithm that assigns machines to cells such that
both the above quantities are minimized.
3 - Optimization Technique for Energy Storage Control in
Distribution Network
Khashayar Mahani, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey,
96 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ, United States of America,
mahani.khashayar@gmail.com,Mohsen Jafari
Finding near optimal control schemes,including various applications of Energy
Storage Systems (ESSs) has been a challenge for utilities and micro-grid (MG)
operators.Inthis presentation,we consider a utility-owned distribution system or
MG with high penetration of renewable
resources.Wepresent an approximate
model for both capacity planning and optimal operation of ESSs in the
distribution network.Efficient control is obtained by analyzing the inputs’
behavior which affects the optimal action.
4 - Confessions of a Supply Chain Architect
Katariina Kemppainen, School of Business, Aalto University,
Runeberginkatu 22-24, Helsinki, 00076 Aalt, Finland,
katariina.kemppainen@aalto.fiComing from the POMS community and landing as Vice President at AMR Best
Supply Chain Award Winner, what did I see over the seven years? A highly
integrated Sales & Operations Planning process with basic methods, decision-
making biases and myopic KPIs for outrageously complex and dynamic
operations, and a major transformation program to bring it up-to-date. Come to
share our experiences dealing with the epic business process that could boost the
relevance and rigor of our research.
5 - Generation of Low-dimensional Capacity Constraints for
Unrelated Parallel Machines
Phillip O. Kriett, Technische Universität Mönchen, TUM School of
Management, Arcisstrafle 21, Mönchen, 80333, Germany,
phillip.kriett@tum.de, Martin Grunow
We generate the non-redundant set of low-dimensional linear capacity
constraints that model the feasible throughput of unrelated parallel machines.
Such constraints allow rapid feasibility assessment of production plans by simple
insertion. We decompose constraint generation into the Minkowski addition and
the facet enumeration of convex polytopes. Since the complexity of solution
algorithms is critical, we reduce the problem size based on symmetries among
machines and graph partitioning.