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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015


4 - Lot Sizing on Multiple Lines with a Single Setup Operator

Dirk Briskorn, University of Wuppertal, Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21,

Lehrstuhl för Produktion und Logistik, Wuppertal, 42119,


We consider a lot sizing problem with multiple production lines. There is a single

setup operator who needs to be present at a line during setup operations. The

lines are otherwise independent and underlie the characteristics of the capacitated

lot sizing problem. We present an heuristic approach focussing on the setup

sequence of the setup operator. We outline a method yielding initial solutions to

be fed to a neighbourhood search algorithm. Finally, we provide first

computational results.

5 - Stochastic Lot-sizing and Cyclical Scheduling with Sequence

Dependent Setup Time: The Case of Wine

Alejandro Mac Cawley, Assistant Professor, P. Universidad

Catolica de Chile, Vicuna Mackenna 4860 Macul, Santiago,

7820436, Chile,

We modified a dynamic vehicle routing formulation to determine optimal cyclical

schedules and lot sizes with a stochastic component. Which is: variability of setup

times and the probability of a certain product or SKU to require production on a

given planning horizon is added into the formulation. Solutions will be

benchmarked using the variability (variance) of the optimized solution and two

different metrics for the objective function: first, line utilization and second,

minimize total costs.


27-Room 404, Marriott

Applications and Methodological issues on MCDM

Sponsor: Multiple Criteria Decision Making

Sponsored Session

Chair: Danielle Morais, Assistant Professor, Universidade Federal de

Pernambuco, Management Engineering Department, Recife, PE, Brazil,

Co-Chair: Adiel T De Almeida, Professor, Universidade Federal de

Pernambuco, Caixa Postal 7462, Recife, PE, 50630-971, Brazil,

1 - Subcontractor Selection in Civil Construction

Luciana Alencar, UFPE, Rua Acadeímico Hélio Ramos, s.n.,

Recife, Brazil,

, Adiel T De Almeida

Most of the activities in construction projects are carried out by subcontractors.

Based on this, it is essential for the contractor to have a structured methodology

for selecting them. In this study, it is presented a model for subcontractor

selection using an additive-veto multicriteria model, in which the contractors can

incorporate the veto notion for those subcontractors’ criteria performances that

he thinks that is unacceptable. An application is presented.

2 - An Mcdm Model to Assist Preventive Maintenance for a Water

Well Equipment in a Low Income Community

Adiel De Almeida Filho, Assistant Professor, Universidade Federal

de Pernambuco, Caixa Postal 7471, Recife, PE, 50630-971, Brazil,

, Madson Monte

This work presents a multiple criteria decision model for the preventive

maintenance planning of a water well equipment located at a low-income

community in Brazil. This specific problem has been addressed considering the

local context and limitations in order to find a compromise between cost and

service level when defining the time interval for preventive maintenance.

3 - PROMETHEE Method with Surrogate Weights for Group

Decision Making

Danielle Morais, Assistant Professor, Universidade Federal de

Pernambuco, Management Engineering Department, Recife, PE,


Luciana Alencar,

Tharcylla Negreiros, Adiel T De Almeida

A large number of multicriteria group decision models have been developed,

differing from each other the quality and quantity of information required.

PROMETHEE has been applied in many group decisions, mainly when it is

possible to define criteria weights. However, establishing weights can be hard and

in some cases is necessary deal with imprecise information regarding the

importance of criteria. Thus, we propose a group decision model, integrating the

PROMETHEE method with surrogate weights.


28-Room 405, Marriott

Economics of Auctions

Cluster: Auctions

Invited Session

Chair: Lin Hao, University of Notre Dame, 351 Mendoza College of

Business, Notre Dame, IN, United States of America,

1 - Who Benefits from Free Lunch? An Examination of Return

Policies at Private Fashion Sale Sites

Yixin Lu, Assistant Professor, VU University Amsterdam,


Alok Gupta, Wolf Ketter

This paper examines the role of return policy at private fashion sale sites (PFSS)

that offer limited-time deals of fashion merchandise to registered customers.

Compared to traditional online fashion retailers, PFSS often employ more strict

return policies to minimize the product return rate. We propose a simulation

framework to compare the effects of different return policies on seller’s revenue.

2 - The Cost of Running an Auction and Implications to the Optimal

Reserve Price

Zohar Strinka, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan,

1205 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States of America,

A common question in the auction literature is whether a seller can credibly

commit to keep a good if the bidders fail to meet the reserve price. This paper

shows that by modeling the seller’s problem as a multi-round auction with

reserve prices in each round, we can distinguish an inability to commit from

failure to model the full problem. In addition to our parametric analysis, this

modeling framework opens the door to a more sophisticated understanding of the

costs of a failed auction.

3 - Understanding the Effect of Jump Bidding in Overlapping

Online Auctions

Lin Hao, University of Notre Dame, 351 Mendoza College of

Business, Notre Dame, IN, United States of America,

, Yong Tan, Arvind Tripathi

In electronic markets, overlapping online auction has emerged as a viable and

efficient mechanism for large retailers desiring to clear off their excessive

inventories. In this paper, using a dataset from a reputable website we empirically

studied the effect of jump bidding behavior on the outcomes of overlapping

online auctions.


29-Room 406, Marriott

Data Analytics in Pricing and Revenue Management

Sponsor: Analytics

Sponsored Session

Chair: Jian Wang, Vice President, Research & Development, The

Rainmaker Group, 4550 North Point Parkway, Alpharetta, GA, 30022,

United States of America,

1 - Competitive Rate Information: Use and Misuse in Hospitality

Revenue Management

Alex Dietz, Advisory Industry Consultant, SAS Institute, 100 SAS

Campus Drive, Cary, NC, 27513, United States of America,

In today’s Big Data environment, most hotels that are actively managing their

pricing use a competitive rate shop mechanism as a vital tool to assist them in

pricing. But simply following the lead of competitors can lead to a significant loss

in revenue. This presentation will discuss the importance of rate information,

how this information can be used in revenue management, and common traps

associated with use of this data – including data quality, limitations, and misuses

of the information.

2 - Making Television Ad Inventory More Valuable

through Optimization

Bob Bress, Sr. Director, Prod. Mgmt & Analytics, Visible World,

460 W. 34th Street, NY, NY, 10001, United States of America,

Approaching TV advertising programmatically with advanced data and dynamic

decisioning provides the ability to add tremendous value to TV inventory. In this

session we will cover: ïHow optimization methods are being deployed to enhance

the value of TV inventory through dynamic decisioning ïHow analytics are

allowing advertisers to benefit from advanced data through more targeted

advertising ïHow both inventory holders and advertisers are benefiting through

new data-driven applications for TV.
