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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



12-Franklin 2, Marriott

Optimization Stochastic II

Contributed Session

Chair: Ruediger Schultz, Prof., University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of

Mathematics, Thea-Leymann-Str. 9, Essen, D-45127, Germany,

1 - Sampling-based Approximation Schemes for Capacitated

Stochastic Inventory Control Models

Wang Chi Cheung, Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA, 02139,

United States of America,,

David Simchi-levi

We study the multi-period capacitated stochastic inventory control problem in a

data-driven setting, where the demand distributions can only be accessed through

samples. We apply the Sample Average Approximation (SAA) method, and

establish a polynomial upper bound on the number of samples needed for

achieving near-optimality. However, the underlying SAA problem is #P-hard.

Thus we provide a polynomial time approximation scheme, which involves a

subgradient sparsification procedure.

2 - Competitive Capacity Investment under Uncertainty

Xishu Li, PhD Candidate, Erasmus University, Dept.

Technology&Operations Management, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50,

Rotterdam, Ro, 3062 PA, Netherlands,,

Rob Zuidwijk,

Rommert Dekker, Rene De Koster

Our research explores a fleet capacity investment problem under market

uncertainty. We study how competition between firms affects investment

strategies, and investigate the optimal investment policy. Here, we focus on a

single vessel type with the intention to extend our results to also incorporate

green vessels.

3 - ADMM for Two-Stage Stochastic Programs with Quadratic

Objective Function

Sebastian Arpon, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Diagonal Las Torres

2640, Peñalolen, Santiago, Chile,


Tito Homem-de-mello, Bernardo Pagnoncelli

We discuss a decomposition method for two-stage stochastic programs with

quadratic objective functions. Our algorithm is based on the Alternating Direction

Method of Multipliers (ADMM) developed in the literature, and decomposes the

problem by scenarios. Some attractive features of the algorithm are the low

computational cost per iteration and its suitability for parallelization. We discuss

some aspects related to convergence of the method and present numerical results

to illustrate the ideas.

4 - The Dynamic Multi-newsvendor Problem

Zhaohu Fan, PhD Student, The Pennsylvania State University,

244 Leonhard Building, State College, PA, 1680001, United States

of America,

, Terry Friesz, Yiou Wang, Tao Yao

We articulate a dynamic model of newsvendors where a set of service providers

form an oligopoly that is equilibrium tending.The price setting mechanism

involving the providers resembles the replicator dynamics of evolutionary game

theory. We show that generalization of the news vendor problem to a Cournot-

Nash differential game based on replicator dynamics in a stochastic setting takes

the form of a stochastic differential variational inequality.

5 - Stochastic Programming in Gas Transportation using

Symbolic Computation

Ruediger Schultz, Prof., University of Duisburg-Essen, Faculty of

Mathematics, Thea-Leymann-Str. 9, Essen, D-45127, Germany,

Nomination validation, i.e., to decide technical feasibility of a transportation order

with balanced in- and output, is among the challenges in daily operation of gas

networks. We address the problem in the steady-state case with uncertain orders.

In particular we provide parametric solution procedures for polynomial equations

resulting from Kirchhoff’s Laws based on insights and procedures from

computational algebra.


13-Franklin 3, Marriott

Robust Optimization: Theory and Applications

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Chaitanya Bandi, Kellogg School of Management,

Northwestern University, Evanston, United States of America,

1 - On the Adaptivity Gap in Two-stage Robust Linear Optimization

under Constraints

Vineet Goyal, Columbia University IEOR department,

500 West 120th Street, 304 Mudd, New York, NY, 10027,

United States of America,,

Brian Lu

We consider two-stage adjustable robust linear optimization problem with

uncertain constraint coefficients that models many important applications

including resource allocation with uncertain requirements. The adjustable

problem is hard to approximate within a factor better than O(log n) in general.

We show that the static solution gives a O(log^2 n)-approximation for the

adjustable robust problem. Surprisingly, this is nearly the best possible

approximation for the problem.

2 - A Robust Optimization Approach to Optimizing

Expected Performance

Nataly Youssef, MIT, 20 Palermo Street, Cambridge, MA,

United States of America,

We propose a tractable approach for optimizing the expected performance of

stochastic systems via robust optimization. We model uncertainty via

parameterized polyhedral sets inspired by probabilistic limit laws and

characterized by variability parameters. We then cast the performance

optimization problem as a robust optimization problem. We demonstrate the

tractability and accuracy of our approach via an inventory management example.

3 - Resource Allocation under Coherent Distortion Risk Measures

Chaitanya Bandi, Kellogg School of Management,

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States of America,,

Paat Rusmevichientong

We consider high dimensional resource allocation problems faced by a decision

maker with a sophisticated risk attitude modeled by a fairly general risk measure

known as a coherent distorted risk measure (CDRM) which encompasses many

popular risk measures such as spectral risk measures and law-invariant coherent

risk measures. We address the problem of tractability and obtain explicit closed

form solution for the this problem while identifying new properties of the optimal



14-Franklin 4, Marriott

Risk-Averse Control of Markov Systems

Sponsor: Optimization/Optimization Under Uncertainty

Sponsored Session

Chair: Andrzej Ruszczynski, Rutgers University, 100 Rockafeller Road,

Rutgers Business School, Piscataway, NJ, 08854,

United States of America,

1 - Risk-averse Control of Markov Chains in Discrete and

Continuous Time

Andrzej Ruszczynski, Rutgers University, 100 Rockafeller Road,

Rutgers Business School, Piscataway, NJ, 08854,

United States of America,

We shall consider risk-averse control problems for controlled Markov chains in

discrete and continuous time. The concept of a dynamic risk measure and its of

time consistency will be resined. We shall derive optimality conditions and discuss

solution methods for discrete-time problems. For continuous-time problems, we

shall derive the structure of time-consistent Markov risk measures and optimality


2 - Process-based Risk Measures for Observable and Partially

Observable Discrete-time Controlled Systems

Jingnan Fan, Rutgers University, 100 Rockafeller Road, Rutgers

Business School, Piscataway, NJ, 08854, United States of America,

, Andrzej Ruszczynski

For controlled discrete-time stochastic processes we introduce process-based

dynamic risk measures to measure risk of processes. We also introduce a new

concept of conditional stochastic time consistency and we derive the structure of

risk measures enjoying this property. We show that they can be equivalently

represented by a collection of static law-invariant risk measures on the space of

functions of the state space. This structure can be applied to Markov controlled

problems, including POMDP.

3 - Risk-averse Optimal Learning for Clinical Trial Design

Curtis Mc Ginity, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ,

United States of America,

We formulate the risk-averse optimal learning problem for the exploration vs.

exploitation dilemma in clinical trial design. We establish the class of logistic

toxicity models leading to log-concave posteriors in the Markov model. We then

offer risk-averse approximate dynamic programming methods of the resulting

single- and multistage problems. Finally, we compare performance of prominent

policies for this problem class in terms of multivariate stochastic dominance.
