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INFORMS Philadelphia – 2015



55-Room 108B, CC

Design Engineering

Contributed Session

Chair: Jayash Koshal, Bloomberg LP, 425 Washington Blvd, Jersey City,

NJ, 07310, United States of America,

1 - Performance Improvement of Average Access Time and Cache

Memory Access Time

Mohammad Shamsu Alam, Assistant Engineer, ADN Telecom, 17,

Red Crescent Concord, Tower, Mohakh, 121/1&2, Tejkoni Para,

Tejgaon, Dhaka, 1215, Bangladesh,


Mirza Moazzem Hossain, Jamal Uddin Ahmed

The cache is a small amount of high speed memory. Cache is placed between the

CPU and main memory. In this view, we consider in this paper to optimize the

cache memory access time which eventually optimizing the average access time

and also if the cache memory size doubled then the cache memory access time

should also double but cache memory access time will only increase 10% from

the previous value.

2 - The Thermal Contact Resistance Testing Method Study of Thin

Film Materials

Xiaogang Li, BUAA, Rm 318, Weimin Building, 37 Xueyuan Rd.,

Haidian Dist., Beijing, China,

As there are many factors affecting the thermal contact resistance, In engineering

application, the thermal contact resistance of the solid interfaces is usually

obtained by testing. In this paper, the method of measuring the thermal contact

resistance of the thin film materials is presented. According to this method, we

use copper heat flux meter, graphite columnar specimens and graphite thin film

sample to measure the thermal contact resistance between the graphite thin film


3 - Data-enhanced Prediction of Marketing Strategies: Does Product

Repairability Play a Role?

Mostafa Sabbaghi, Graduate Research Assistant, University at

Buffalo, SUNY, 437 Bell Hall, Buffalo, NY, 14260-2000,

United States of America,,

Sara Behdad

The existing manufacturers’ policies in making products difficult and expensive to

repair and not adequately share the repairing information with end-users and

independent repair businesses make repair a challenging process. This paper aims

to characterize the product sales rate and post purchase usage behavior to

investigate the impact of product reparability on consumers’ future purchase

decisions and the long-term profitability of manufactures.

4 - Response Surface Modeling Approaches for Multi-response

Design Parameter Optimization Problems

Gölten Gügayaz, Research Assistant, Middle East Technical

University, Industrial Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey,,

Gulser Koksal

Performances of response surface modeling approaches such as Ordinary Least

Squares, Weighted Least Squares, Generalized Least Squares, Multivariate

Regression, and Seemingly Unrelated Regression are analyzed for multiple-

response design parameter optimization problems. Weaknesses are discussed and

improvements are suggested.

5 - Maximum Entropy Utility Function Assessment using

Renyi Entropy

Jayash Koshal, Bloomberg LP, 425 Washington Blvd, Jersey City,

NJ, 07310, United States of America,,

Vijitashwa Pandey

Maximum entropy methods, used to assess probability distributions, can also be

used for assessing utility. When utility values are known for discrete values of the

attributes, a problem arises of fitting a curve to these points. We use Renyi

entropy instead of Shannon’s entropy to allow different weighting of different

regions of utility functions. We show how Maximum Renyi Entropy formulation

can be used for utility functions and compare the results with Maximum

Shannon Entropy functions.


56-Room 109A, CC

Manufacturing III

Contributed Session

Chair: Hossein Badri, PhD Student, Wayne State University, Industrial

and Systems Engineering Dep, Detroit, MI, 48201, United States of


1 - A Spatiotemporal Outlier Detection Framework for Diagnostic

Quality Monitoring of Image Sequences

Mohammad Abed Motasemi, UTSA, 6685 UTSA Blvd.,

San Antonio, TX, 78249, United States of America,,

Adel Alaeddini

Statistical quality monitoring has mainly remained with less attention in images

and high dimensional data application. We propose a novel spatiotemporal outlier

detection framework for monitoring the quality of image sequences. Extensive

analysis based on a real application in a manufacturing facility is conducted to

demonstrate the performance of our proposed methodology in detecting various

types of outliers.

2 - The Cause and Effect of Material Handling Systems on

Operational Performance

Yunjung Suh, PhD Candidate, Kyungpook National University,

102-1001 Maechunro 2Gil, 19, Bukgu, Daegu, 702-793, Korea,

Republic of,,

Jaewoo Chung

This study investigates the causal relationships among actual firm’s motives,

degrees of material handling automation systems(MHS) and operational

performance based on surveys in Korea. The study classifies and measures the

usage of MHS and identifies actual firms’ motives to introduce MHS with a fit to

the firm’s business strategy. The result presents that there is an associative

relationship among firm’s strategy, MHS and operational performance with the

mediating effect of MHS.

3 - Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Stochastic Job Shop

Scheduling Problems

Hossein Badri, PhD Student, Wayne State University, Industrial

and Systems Engineering Dep, Detroit, MI, 48201, United States

of America,

, Milad Zafarnezhad,

Kai Yang

Job shop scheduling problems are among the hardest known combinational

optimization problems. In this research a shifting bottleneck heuristic algorithm is

developed for stochastic job shop scheduling problems. To evaluate the

performance of the developed algorithm, the heuristic is tested with randomly

generated instances. The results indicate that the developed heuristics performs

very well for minimizing makespan in stochastic job shop problems.


57-Room 109B, CC

Stochastic Methods Applied to Power

System Operations

Sponsor: ENRE – Energy I – Electricity

Sponsored Session

Chair: Zhi Zhou, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Ave.

Bldg 221, Lemont, Il, 60437, United States of America,

1 - Two-stage Robust SCUC with Mixed-integer Recourse

Lei Wu, Clarkson University, 8 Clarkson Ave, Potsdam,

United States of America,

This talk presents a two-stage robust SCUC approach to adaptively and securely

respond to continuous load/wind uncertainty intervals and discrete N-K

contingency security criteria. Corrective capabilities of both non-quick-start and

quick-start units are formulated. The proposed model is solved by the

combination of modified BD method and C&CG algorithm. Case studies illustrate

the effectiveness of the proposed robust SCUC approach.

2 - Flexible Operation of Batteries in Power System Scheduling with

Renewable Energy

Audun Botterud, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S Cass Ave,

Lemont, IL, United States of America,,

Nan Li,

Emil Constantinescu, Canan Uckun, John Birge, Kory Hedman

We present a two-step framework to evaluate the value of energy storage in

power systems with renewable generation. First, we formulate a stochastic unit

commitment model with wind power forecast uncertainty and energy storage.

Second, we derive a flexible schedule for energy storage in economic dispatch

with limited look-ahead horizon. A case study demonstrates the benefits of

battery storage in systems with renewable resources and the effectiveness of the

proposed operational strategy.
