JULY 1994
Information Notice - Breast
Implant Class Action
The following information notice has
been received from the Legal Division
of the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Silicone Gel Breast Implant
'Class Action' Settlement in USA
A court notice of a proposed breast
implant 'class action' settlement has
been communicated to the Irish
Embassy in Washington D.C. by the US
District court. Northern District of
The settlement could affect Irish women
who had a breast implant before 1 June
1993, manufactured or supplied by a US
company, or claimants on behalf of such
women. The settlement entitles people
to make claims for certain defined
diseases that they have or may develop
for up to 30 years. Implant companies
have created a $4 billion (IR£2.7
billion) compensation fund.
Non-US people are automatically
included in the action but a) can opt out
or b) must register to benefit. Claimants
had until 17 June 1994 to opt out.
Those who did not opt out have until 1
December 1994 to register with the
Alabama court. Anyone who has not
registered by this date and who has not
opted out by 17 June 1994 will be
barred from pursuing a claim relating to
the matter in any court in the USA.
This summary of the notice is a general
guide to the nature of the case for
information only and is without
Further information is available by
telephoning the court in the US at 00-1-
312-609 8680, or in writing from MDL
926, PO BOX 1 1683, Birmingham,
Alabama, AL 35202 - 1683, USA.
Copies of the information pack received
from the Court, which includes
photocopies of the settlement, claim and
exclusion forms, may be obtained from
the Consular Section, Department of
Foreign Affairs, 72-76 St Stephens
Green, Dublin 2, telephone (01) 478
0822 extension 2306 or 2308.
C a l c u l a t i ng a R e s i d e n t i al
P r o p e r t y T ax L i a b i l i ty
from page
10. S.I 17 F.A. 1994.
11. S.95 F.A. 1983 as amended by
s.l 15 F.A. 1994 sets out the income
which while exempt from income
tax is income for the purposes of
calculating RPT liability.
12. S.l 15 F.A. 1994.
13. S.l 19 F.A. 1994 amending
s.101(2) F.A. 1983.
14. S.120 F.A. 1994 amending s. 102
F.A. 1983.
15. S.l 19 F.A. 1994.
16. S.l20 F.A. 1994 amending s.l02
F.A. 1983.
17. S.l04 F.A. 1983.
18. S. 121 (1 a) (a) F.A. 1994.
19. If an instalment is missed tax is
recoverable under s.l 10 F.A. 1983
as if the instalment option was not
exercised. Therefore interest at
1.25% per month will be back
dated on the outstanding balance
to the preceding 1 October.
20. S. 12l(la) (b) F.A. 1994.
21. S.l22 F.A. 1994 amending s.l05
F.A. 1983.
22. S.l04 F.A. 1983.
23. F.A. (1909-10) s.33.
24. S. 109 F.A. 1983.
*Richard Grogan practises in the firm
of Rowan & Co., Solicitors.
S o l i c i t or L i nk
Confidential register to introduce
solicitors wishing to:
* buy/sell a practice
* merge with another practice
* share overheads
For details contact:
Finance and Administration
Executive, The Law Society,
Blackhall Place,
Dublin 7.
Tel: 671 0711.
N e w D o c u m e n t
E x c h a n g e s i n C o r k
Document exchange services in County
Cork have expanded with the opening
of new exchanges in Bantry,
Clonakilty, Fermoy, Macroom, Mallow,
Mitchelstown and Skibbereen. Together
with existing exchanges in Cork City
and in Bandon, this now provides a
network of nine exchanges in the
County, part of a network of 52
exchanges countrywide.
Solicitors throughout Co Cork can now
benefit from the document exchange
system. Each exchange has early
morning delivery times and late evening
collection times which means that an
overnight service is provided between
the 52 Irish document exchanges.
Further information is available from
Irish Document Exchange
37 Fenian Street
Dublin 2
Tel: 01 - 676 4601
L a d y S o l i c i t o r s ' G o l f
O u t i n g
The annual Lady Solicitors' Golf
Outing will take place at Blainroe
Golf Club, Co. Wicklow, on Friday
2 September 1994.
All last year's players will receive a
circular. If you did not take part last
year but would like details, please
telephone 01-677 0335, with your
name and address.
TELEPHONE 2 - 8 4 - 8 4 - 84