JULY 1994
A I J A A n n u a l
C o n g r e s s
The Annual Congress of AIJA (The
International Association of Young
Lawyers) takes place this year in
Vichy France from 30 August to 3
September. The working sessions
(which will take place in the salons of
the Grand Casino) include the
following topics:
• .Warranties and Disclosures in
Corporation Acquisitions
• Know how: Protection and
• The North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA)
• Marketing and Promoting Law
A full social programme is also
For brochures or further information,
please contact
Petria McDonnell,
McCann FitzGerald, 2 Harbourmaster
Place, Custom House Dock, Dublin 1,
Tel: 0 1 - 8 29 0000, Fax: 0 1 - 8 29 0010.
C o n f e r e n ce o n
R e l i g i o us M o r a l i t y
a n d P u b l i c P o l i cy
On 7-8 September next, a conference on
Religious Morality and Public Policy,
organised jointly by the Law School and
the Department of Hebrew and Biblical
Studies, TCD, will take place in the Arts
Building, Trinity College. The
conference will examine the legitimacy
of articulating religiously inspired
beliefs in the public domain and will
explore ground rules for dialogue
between secular and religious citizens
on matters of public policy generally.
Speakers include Professor
from Northwestern University,
Dr. Gabriel Daly,
TCD and
Gerard Quinn
, UCG.
For further details, contact
Gerry Whyte,
Senior Lecturer, Law School, Trinity
College. Tel: 01-702 1125.
D r u g s W a r : L e g a l i se
o r L o se
What is the answer to the problem of
drug abuse?
Should the use of drugs be legalised
or prohibited?
These are some of the questions to be
addressed during a one day law
conference being organised by UCC
law graduates as part of Graduate
Week '94. The conference will take
place on Friday 16 September 1994 in
UCC and will be presided over by the
Chief Justice
Thomas Finlay.
Papers will be presented by four
distinguished international experts on
the subject:
Mr. J.G.D. Grieve; Dr.
John Marks,
Consultant Psychiatrist
with Halton Health Authority in the
Dr. C. Ruter
of the Criminal Law
Institute, Amsterdam; and
Desmond Corrigan,
School of
Pharmacy, Trinity College, Dublin.
Following the afternoon papers, there
will be a panel discussion and
open forum.
Booking forms and further
information is available from the
Graduates Association, University
College, Cork, tel: 021 276871 ext.
2016, fax: 021 274948.
The winner of the crossword
competition in the June edition of the
Justin Sadleir,
Street, Gort, Co. Galway, who
receives a book token for £25.
1. codified
4. & 11. pro bono
6. call
7. ban
8. tender
9. ego
12. plea
14. lawyer
15. escrow
18. abet
20. idem
21. bye
S o c i e t y P a r t i c i p a t es
I n W e l f a r e o f
C h i l d r e n G r o u p
The Law Society has nominated
Solicitor, Co. Louth, to be
its representative on the newly-formed
Campaign for the Care of Deprived
Children (CARE). The Campaign is a
coalition of professional groups
working in areas related to the welfare
of children and the juvenile justice
system and has been established in the
context of a new Juvenile Justice Bill
and the implementation of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.
CARE says that there is a need for co-
ordinated policy and planning from
three Government Departments,
Justice, Health and Education, with
regard to the needs of children. The
groups hopes to obtain the views of
professionals who work with children
about the adequacy of services
focusing on juvenile justice and how
children's rights and needs can be
promoted and protected in the criminal
justice system.
Members of the profession who have
views on these matters are invited to
forward them to the Criminal Law
Committee of the Society or to Finian
Brannigan at 16 Fair Street, Drogheda,
Co. Louth.
22. golden
23. lis
24. king
25. try
26. friendly
2. decree
3. folio
4. patent
5. Anton
7. broker
10. Galway
13. assess
16. bounty
17. bills
19. begged
21. bribe
C r o s s w o r d C o m p e t i t i on