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P r a c t i c e

M a n a g e m e n t

G u i d e l i n e s A p p r o v e d

The Council of the Society has

approved the text of Practice

Management Guidelines, intended as

a practical management tool for

solicitors. (See


p. 248 June


The Guidelines have been developed

by the Practice Management

Committee and will be distributed to

each firm of solicitors in mid-


The Guidelines will be presented in a

ring binder and, over the coming

months, the Practice Management

Committee will be publishing a series

of Practice Management Notes which

will be distributed to members of the

profession via the


in a format

suitable for storing in the Guidelines


L a w D i r e c t o r y

1 9 9 5

Work has commenced on the

compilation of the 1995 edition of the

Law Directory which will reflect the

status of members of the Society as on

l November 1994.

All members of the Society are asked

to ensure that they have checked the

Law Directory forms sent to them last

September showing the details that

will be published about them and/or

their firm.

S m a l l F i r m s g i v e

S o l i c i t o r s 9 0 %

A survey conducted by the Small Firms

Association of the relationship between

small firms and their solicitors found

that over 90% of respondents were

either satisfied or


satisfied with

the services provided by their solicitors

and 72% felt they had got good value

for money for the fees paid for legal

services. According to the survey, 79%

of respondents said they were not kept

informed by their solicitors about

changes in legislation.

The details of the survey in which 436

small firms participated and which was

conducted by the SFA in association

with Partners-at Law, Solicitors, were

released on 26 September.

Only 15% of those respondents who

said they were dissatisfied felt that

their solicitors were too expensive. The

most common complaints were about

delay and lack of communication.

The survey found that fees were agreed

in advance with 25% of respondents.

In a statement to the press, the Law

Society welcomed the 90% satisfaction

finding. On the question of delay the

Society pointed out that frequently

delays were not the fault of solicitors

but arose from understaffing in public

departments and a poorly-resourced

courts system.

The Law Society statement pointed out

that the Solicitors (Amendment) Bill

would oblige solicitors to agree in

advance with a client the fee for the

legal services being provided, or supply

an estimate, or information about the

basis on which the client would be

charged - a measure which, in the

Society's view, would benefit consumers

and the solicitors' profession.

C o m p e n s a t i o n

F u n d P a y m e n t s -

S e p t e m b e r , 1 9 9 4

The following claim amounts were

admitted by the Compensation Fund

Committee and approved for payment

by the Council of the Law Society at

its meeting in September 1994.


Michael Collier,


2 Ross Terrace,


Co. Dublin.

John J O'Reilly,


7 Farnham Street,


Co. Cavan.

Michael Dunne,


63/65 Main Street,


Co. Dublin.

Diarmuid Corrigan,


6 St. Agnes Road,


Dublin 12.

James C Glynn,


Dublin Road,


Co. Galway.

Peter M Fortune,

1 1,776.60

38 Molesworth Street,

Dublin 2.

Jonathan P T Brooks,


17/18 Nassau Street,

Dublin 2.


Any member of the Society who has

not returned the form should do so


if any changes are


If there are no changes

there is no need to return

the form.

The 1995 edition of the Directory will

be dispatched to members of the

Society in early January.

English Agents: Agency work

undertaken for Irish solicitors in

both litigation and non-contentious

matters - including legal aid. Fearon

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