Technology News
Innovative RFID pressure
measuring technology
IN addition to the individual components
from the PT-RF series, Stauff now
also offers convenient service cases
for maintenance and servicing. These
complete systems offer space for up
to ten RFID pressure transmitters
including process connection adapters,
as well as the reading and display
device and other accessories such as
connecting and charging cable, power
supply unit with adapters, and operating
instructions and software on CD-ROM.
If required, the robust plastic cases can
be individually equipped and supplied to
customer requirements.
Specially moulded and resistant foam
inserts offer the required flexibility for
the stored items, providing safe and
permanent accommodation for the
components while allowing maintenance
personnel to see everything at a glance.
For applications where the actual
pressure transmitters are permanently
installed in the system, another version
of the case is available as an alternative
to accommodate only the reading and
display device including accessories.
Both versions are also available empty.
With the PT-RF series, Stauff offers an
alternative for pressure measurement
in fluid technology applications on the
basis of innovative RFID technology.
The energy required for a
measurement is transferred to the
pressure transmitter via the antenna of
the reading and display device so that
the transmitters require no internal or
external power supply and no external
wiring as is common for conventional
sensors. This omits the manual
mounting and dismounting of measuring
and display devices, which often require
the system to be opened temporarily.
This effectively prevents the introduction
of contamination into the system (eg in
environments with high levels of dust)
as well as potential hazards for people,
machine and environment, which may
occur due to residual oil in the test hose
or leaks on the measuring point.
Walter Stauffenberg GmbH & Co KG
– Germany
Fax: +49 2392 2505
www.stauff.comConvenient service case
from the PT-RF series
TNO series from Protem
THE TNO machines from Protem cleanly and efficiently cut and bevel tubes
and pipes with diameters ranging from 4.5" ID to 72" OD (114.3mm ID to
1829mm OD).
These high speed, prefabrication orbital cutting and bevelling machines
are specially designed to fit piping or tubing prefab applications on the job
site or at a fabrication workshop.
The machines cut and bevel heavy wall pipes faster than many other
machines, according to Protem.
The TNO range of machines are electrically driven and equipped with a
hydraulic power unit for the automatic clamping system. Clamping screws
located on the front and back of the machine adjust the concentricity and
create a perfect alignment and perfect squaring.
The TNO machines are portable, rigid, fast and accurate. They save space
in workshops or can be integrated into production lines. They also save man
hours by avoiding grinding operations, flame cutting, difficult handling and
setting of pipes on a lathe.
Protem SAS
– France