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JULY 2017

A free agent is an exter-

nal entity that is intro-

duced into a system.

Free agents can enter

a system and assist in

improving system per-


Complex Adaptive Sys-

tems constantly adapt

to internal interactions

and their external envi-

ronment based on rela-

tionships, emergence,

patterns and iterations.

shortages, but the availability of various fuel types

offers fuel diversity and, combined with rental

power technologies for operational schemes, can

change the power supply landscape providing

advantages to the national utility or to end-users

who invest in distributed generation. The national

utility can take advantage of the surplus increase

and availability of outputs and end-users can ben-

efit from load management incentives, electricity

price hedging, profitable power sales, critical pro-

cess protection and energy efficiency. This leads

to positive outcomes for both entities in the re-

spective industry in which they operate, as nested



, Complex Adaptive Systems are nest-

ed systems and together with their environment,

form a subset of another Complex Adaptive Sys-

tem. Similarly, the power supply network of each

country is a subset of the regional power pool that

further influences other environments, namely

industry and economy, cross-border power trade

and economic activity. The interconnectedness

of nested systems results in adaptation and re-

silience. Local efficiency of the system is some-

times compromised at a local level as rental power

solutions come with tariff premiums. However, it

should be understood that Complex Adaptive Sys-

tems can sometimes reduce efficiency at a local

level for greater system effectiveness as increas-

ing electrification is fundamental to increasing a

nation’s gross domestic output.


Parastatals need to recognise the potential con-

tribution of free-agents represented by fast-track

technology and solutions for provision of power

that would aid system performance. In regions

where system disturbances are highly visible in

the form of restricted power supply and invest-

ment constraints due to capital shortages, the

Complex Adaptive System perspective provides

good sense for allowing adaptation through rapid

response in terms of delivering temporary or rent-

al power solutions. Given the current limited level

of decentralisation, it is important that overarching

policy is written so that system performance is not

hindered. The complex adaptive system theory

could thus provide effective blueprints to develop

appropriate frameworks for public sector organ-

isations to formulate policies that encourage an

increase in private sector participation with well–

oriented support mechanisms for independent

power producers.


Take Note!





Nalen Alwar is Business

Development Director,

sub-Sahara Africa,

for Altaaqa Global

Caterpillar Rental Power.

Majid Zahid, Group President-Energy, Zahid Group (Parent company of

Altaaqa Global) accepts the ISO 50001:2011 certification fromTÜV Nord.

Figure 3: Free agent demobilised after system

infrastructure and performance has increased.

Free agent is demobilised

and relocated to assist a

different system.

National Grid

System Growth in form of new mainstream power

plants afforded by contribution of free agent.

Industry growth