127. Gangster Cocktail,
i Brandy, i Curagao, piece of lemon peel.
Shake and strain. Add cherry.
128. Gazette Cocktail.
i Brandy, i Italian Vermouth, teaspoonful
sugar syrup, teaspoonful lemon juice.
Shake and strain.
129. Gene Tunney Cocktail.
§ Plymouth Gin, i French Vermouth, dash
of orange juice, dash of lemon juice.
Shake and strain.
130. Gilroy Cocktail.
i Gin, a Cherry Brandy,} lemon juice i
French Vermouth, dash of Orange Bitters.
Shake and strain.
131. Gimlet Cocktail.
i Plymouth Gin, i Rose's Lime Juice
Stir and serve in same glass.
132. Gin Cocktail.
Glass of Gin, 4 dashes of Orange Bitters.
Shake and strain.
133. Gloom Chaser Cocktail.
i Grand ISIarnier, i Curagao, i lemon juice,
i Grenadine.
Shake and strain.