160. Italian Cocktail.
?, Italian Vermouth,i orange juice,2 dashes
of Angostura Bitters.
Shake and strain. Squeeze a piece of
orange peel on top.
161. Jack Rose Cocktail.
3 Calvados,}Grenadine, juice of i lemon.
Shake and strain.
162. Jackson Cocktail.
4 Dubonnet, J Orange Gin, 2 dashes of
Orange Bitters.
163. Japanese Cocktail.
4 Rye Whisk}', i Italian Vermouth,2 dashes
of Curagao, 2 dashes of Grenaditie.
Shake and strain.
164. Jesmond'Cocktail.
J Irish Whisky, 4 Rose's Lime Juice, dash
of Angostura Bitters.
Shake and strain.
165. Jimmy Blanc Cocktail.
s Gin, h Lillet, 3 dashes of Dubonnet.
Shake and strain. Squeeze a piece of
orange peel on top. •