172. The Judge Jnr. Cocktail.
?, Gin, i Bacardi Rum, 4 lemon juice, dash
of Grenadine, 4-leaspoonful sugar.
Shake and strain.
173. Judgette Cocktail.
4 Peach Brandy,i Gin, I -''•
-■n h Vermouth,
dash of Rose's Lime Juice.
Shake and strain.
174. Kicker Cocktail.
? Bacardi Rum, 4 Calvados, 2 dashes of
Italian Vermouth.
Shake and strain.
175. Kina Cocktail.
4 Lillet, 4 Gin,iItalian Vermouth.
Shake and strain.
176. Knock-Out Cocktail.
4 Gin, 4 .Misinthe, 4 French Vermouth, dqsh
of White Crcme de Menthe.
Shake and strain.
177. Lido Cocktail.
4 Gin, 4 French Vermouth, 2 dashes of
Apricot Brandy.
Shake and strain. Serve with cherry.
178. Little Devil Cocktail.
4 Gin, i Bacardi Rum, 4 Caloric Punch,
4 Cointreau, 4 orange juice, 4 lemon juice.
Shake and strain.