168. Jockey Club Cocktail.
3 Gin, 4 dashes of lemon juice, 1 dash of
Angostura Bitters, 1 dash of Orange Bitters,
2 dashes of Creme de Noyeau.
Shake and strain.
167. John McCIintock Cocktail.
i Gin,i Curagao, 1 lemon juice, i rum, dash
of Grenadine.
168. John Wood Cocktail.
i', 'Italian Vermouth, i Irish Whisky, i
lemop juice, dash of Kummel, dash of Angos
tura .Bitters.
Shake and strain.
169. J.O.S. Cocktail.
i Gin, J Italian Vermouth.^rJ French Ver
mouth, dash of Brandy, dash of Orange
Bitters, dash of Rose's Lime Juice.
Shake and strain. Squeeze a piece of lemon
peel on top.
170. Jouprey Cocktail.
i French Vermouth, 4 Cherry Brandy, 3
dashes of Angostura Bitters.
171. Journalist Cocktail.
s Gin, 4 Italian Vermouth, 4 French Ver
mouth, dash of -Angostura Bitters, 2 dashes
of lemon juice, 2 dashes of Curagao.
Shake and stra^.