A certified SRI approach
As a pledge of confidence for our clients, Amundi
is the first
management company to have its SRI work certified by AFNOR.
This certification, issued by a reputable independent organisation,
guarantees the quality and the transparency of its SRI approach
through seven service commitments (expertise, data traceability,
information, responsiveness, etc.).
Governance devised specifically for responsible finance
ESG governance within the Amundi Group centres around two
committees – guarantors of the strength of ESG analysis and the
Group’s societal commitment:
the internal ESG Committee, chaired by a member of Amundi’s
Senior Management, validates and disseminates the ESG ratings;
the Advisory Committee tasked with alerting and advising the
Group is chaired by an external individual. It is primarily composed
of external experts with recognised skills and Amundi practitioners.
Amundi also leads the Medicis Committee, a think tank dedicated to
responsible finance, which brings together the CEO of Amundi and
prominent individuals from various nationalities and backgrounds. Its
purpose is to study the major economic, social and environmental
questions and how they translate into responsible finance.
Specialised teams
Amundi has enlisted numerous resources to implement SRI
a department dedicated to responsible investment and impact
performs the ESG analyses on over 4,000 issuers, applies the
formalised engagement policy, and ensures relations with market
groups and the promotion of these topics;
Amundi’s Corporate governance and Quantitative research teams
are focused on ESG matters. They help to set our voting policy
at general shareholders’ meetings, dialogue with companies and
devise research protocols to analyse the effect that ESG criteria
have on funds’ performance;
outside contractors who supply the extra-financial data. To analyse
quality quantitatively, you need coverage of the greatest number
of issuers, by the best agencies, and then compare the analyses
against each other. Amundi relies on the analyses of its partners,
particularly Vigeo-Eiris, the leading firm in Europe, MSCI, a North
American agency with global coverage, and companies that
specialise in certain subject areas.
Once again in 2016, Amundi was awarded the top ranking in the
“SRI & Sustainability” study published by WeConvene Extel and the
UK SIF in the “Asset management firms best for SRI/ESG” category.
Amundi also came in first place for SRI management in the Palmarès
Général Amadéis for the third year in a row. Amundi obtained a
score of A+ from the PRIs for its ESG approach, its engagement
and voting policy, and for the implementation of its ESG approach
in its Listed shares and Financial and non-financial corporate bonds
management. In November 2016, Amundi won first place for its SRI
strategy, awarded by the initiative for the promotion of responsible
investment in Latin America.
Initiatives promoting SRI
In 2016, Amundi organised several events and actions to promote
SRI in its distribution networks and its corporate and institutional
clients. Over the course of the year, some 40 awareness sessions
were conducted for the sales and marketing teams of Amundi’s
partner networks.
Amundi’s AFNOR certification requires that it informs and trains its
employees. These awareness training sessions are led by the SRI
team. In 2016, 76 individuals were trained, bringing the number of
trained employees to 357 since 2013.
Amundi also participated in ten or so conferences on SRI over the
course of the year. For example:
March: Lima, presentation to the investors assembled for the PRIs
regarding the various aspects of the integration of ESG aspects in
their investment policies;
March: Amundi hosted the RAIR conference (a network of
administrators of supplementary pension plan institutions, both
public and private) regarding shareholder engagement;
September: Participation in a round table on “the value of green
bonds” during the “Investing for a 2 degree world” conference
organised by the European Investment Bank;
December: Panel participation during the Option Finance
conference on SRI;
December: Amundi welcomed Access to Medicine for the
presentation of their 2016 index.
(1) Certification also covers SRI funds of BFT Investment Managers and CPR Asset Management, both management companies and Amundi subsidiaries.
2016 Corporate social responsability report
Economic, social and environmental information
Act as a responsible financial institution