The Crédit Agricole Group’s FReD programme
With the goal of improved co-ordination and oversight of its CSR
policy, the Crédit Agricole Group has implemented the FReD
in its various entities, including Amundi. This purpose
of this tracking and measurement software for CSR activities is to
provide a common framework for all entities. This program has
been carried out at Amundi since 2012 and incorporated into the
Company’s CSR policy. In 2016, 16 action plans
were carried
out along the three dimensions of CSR: economic, societal and
(1) FReD is the acronym for FIDES (economic section), RESPECT (social and societal commitments) and DEMETER (environmental action). For further
information regarding FReD: https://www.credit-agricole.com/en/responsible-and-committed/csr-a-factor-of-sustainable-performance-for-credit-agricole- group/fred-an-original-csr-approach.(2)
Amundi’s actions plans and their progress are detailed on: https://www.credit-agricole.com/responsable-et-engage/la-rse-facteur-de-performance- durable-pour-le-groupe-credit-agricole/fred-la-demarche-rse-du-groupe-Crédit Agricole S.A.les-resultats-fred.(3) AFG (French Asset Management Association); AFIC (French Association of Investors for Growth); ASPIM (French Association of Real Estate Investments);
AF2i (French Association of Institutional Investors); AMAFI (French Association of Financial Markets); EFAMA (European Fund and Asset Management
Association); EACB (European Association of Co-operative Banks); AFME (Association for Financial Markets in Europe); ICMA (International Capital Market
Association); ISLA (International Securities Lending Association).
Charters and securities market practices to which we are committed
Amundi is committed to and conducts its CSR strategy on a voluntary
basis in accordance with the values and principles articulated in the
following charters:
2003: signed the UN Global Compact;
2006: accepted the Principles for Responsible Investment;
2008: signed the Diversity Charter;
2015: signed the Parenthood Charter.
Amundi is an active participant in working groups conducted by
market bodies aimed at moving responsible finance, sustainable
development and corporate governance forward. Amundi’s
memberships include the French Asset Management Association
(AFG), the European Fund and Asset Management Association
(EFAMA), the French Institute of Directors (IFA), the Corporate
Social Responsibility Observatory (ORSE), the French Association
of Investment Analysts (SFAF), French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish,
Canadian, Japanese and Australian Sustainable Investment Forums
(SIF), and the French association “Entreprises pour l’Environnement”.
Amundi is also a member and director of Finansol.
As a major player in asset management, Amundi actively participates
in projects related to the regulation of this activity. It is common
practice for European and national regulators to consult with players
in the industry, directly or via professional associations. Among the
entities that help to draft or amend regulations relating to asset
management and securities trading, Amundi contributes in particular
to the work of the AFG, chaired by Amundi CEO Yves Perrier since
May 2015, and AFIC, ASPIM, AF2i, AMAFI and Paris Europlace in
France, the EFAMA and EACB in Brussels, as well as the AFME,
in London. Lastly, Amundi’s subsidiaries in Europe
belong to the professional associations of their respective countries.
Amundi is striving to reconcile the effectiveness of markets and of
asset management business with the promotion of a more responsible
finance that is more oriented to serving the economy. In 2016, Amundi
continued its commitment to having investors include ESG criteria in
their decisions, most particularly the criteria highlighted at COP 21
and the law on the energy transition to green growth.
In 2016, Amundi took part in over twenty consultations regarding
European or French regulations in the process of being drafted or
revised. Amundi actively contributed to the work on the systemic
nature of asset management, as well as progress on the creation of
a product model for a European individual pension plan, the PEPP
(Pan European Personal Pensions). Finally, jointly with the AFG and
other market management companies, Amundi worked on defining a
newmodel for long-term funds, aimed at better channelling long-term
savings towards the productive economy and infrastructure projects.
Amundi took part in the consultation process regarding the creation
of the SRI label by the government authorities and is a member of
the SRI Certification Committee. Amundi also participated in the
Paris Europlace working group: The Paris Green and Sustainable
Finance Initiative.
2016 Corporate social responsability report
Economic, social and environmental information
CSR at Amundi