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• • • 54•••


For a party of fifteen

From a recipe in the possession of

Hon. Gulian C.Verplanck

Take three-quarters of a poimd of loaf sugar, press upon it,

through muslin,the juice of two or more good-sized oranges;

add a little of the peel, cut very thin, pour upon a quart of

boiling water, the third part of that quantity of Batavia

arrack, and a bottle of hot, but not boiling, red or white

French wine — red is best. Stir together. This is excellent,

when cold, and will improve by age.

...5 5 • • •


Dissolve,in two pints of hot tea, three-quarters of a pound

of loaf sugar, having previously rubbed off, with a portion

of the sugar, the peel of four lemons; then add the juice of

eight lemons, and a pint of arrack.


Dissolve, in three pints of hot tea, one pound of sugar;

add thereto the juice of six lemons, a pint of arrack, and a

pint of port wine.

12 A noted New York politician before the Civil War. The Whigs

nominated him for Mayor in 1834, the first year that official was elected

by popular vote, but he was defeated by the Tammany candidate, Law

rence. The voting was in progress for three days, and there was much

serious rioting, which was finally quelled by the National Guard. Rioters

who attacked the office of the \^ig newspaper. The Courier & Enqtdrer,

at No. .i;8 Wall Street, carried a huge cross, after the fashion of the modern

Ku Klux


was burned in Broadway, near old Trinity Church.