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2oz, Rum


^ teas.poons lemon juice

' '

ice, stir, strain into cocktail glass

3 oz. Rum

1 oz. pineiapipie juice

Ice. 15 shakes, strain into cocktail glass

2 oz. Rum

2 oz. Sv.-edish Punich

I Se' ^

Ice. 40 shaires strain into cocktail glass.






spoon sugar, 3 tablespoons Soy stLe H°°f .P^PPei'' 1 tea-

add meat and onions, iiy quickly until m? *"


and boil 4 minutes (make thickening


onions cut'flne i p'n,n ^^.11 °^, ' water. 1-2 cud

celery diced, 1 'can bean 80^1^1s7e' ^ oup

P T>Pcr.

f n ,>, 1 tmtil meat is seared.

Brown sauce anrSoy saLeS cornstaTch

till smooth), stir in dra7ea k

'tablespoons of water

heat thoroughly, stir constantly.^^s7TJ'ho?'wit1h

or noodles.

^^eive not ivitih cooked rice

Salmon Croquettes

ilake a thick white sauice with 1-4 cut) hntte 1 o

flour, 1 cuip milk. Add 1 can flaked salmL i *^tip

salt, pepper and chopped parsley Add^- Season with

Chill and form into cinqnetU'^lllffife 1

m beaten egg to which two talblespoJf nn?a

added, roll in more dry crumlbs flnf i7

Ing to harden. Fry in Lep fat r. ®


in 40 secoHds. ,

eniougli to brown

Salmon may be substitued in all Tuna fish receipts.